FoL Feedback Thread

He’s shooting down Hjasiks terrible idea

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Oh then go frost

@Emilia what tf killing EVERY evil who visits the hunter


I was blinded

I was on the wrong side

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Well I was actually about to comment that

This is what happens when you skim this thread

Yep more cancer more good

Yup. Just cuz someone’s argument is terrible doesn’t mean they are wrong.

Watch out for fallacy fallacy


unicorns exist cause I said they do

what about fallacy fallacy fallacy

Someone’s argument is so bad that it must be the truth

Of course they do.

Put a horn on it


What about fallacy fallacy fallacy fallacy

Ah but they went extinct during the afro-equinian purge

really what’s this

It’s the event that killed all the unicorns

Equi means horse in Latin I think

was there actually unicorns

You know you’re doing something right when you are getting someone to genuinely consider the possibility that unicorns exist

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What about staying on topic. :upside_down_face:


What ABOUT staying on topic?

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