FoL Feedback Thread

Of course. I know

I was wrong? Huh ok.

And I doubt giving the double-vote to someone else is very-social like but more support, does it?

Ehh then again, it doesn’t really change unless it benefits late game

Gossip is situationally useful in a fairly healthy way.
Bounty is a great power tool that still gives a scum the excuse of getting disrupted because it requires some level of consensus to make it work.

Royal Blood exists.

Pull Rank being mostly confirmable allows the tools of noble which require coordination to be significantly stronger.

Sponsor was considered a problem.

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Right I see.

Otherwise, remove day ability?

Pull rank (day) - Target player will require 1 less vote than majority in order to be executed tomorrow. Does not stack. (3 uses)

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We could fix this my giving MM/CL an ability like…

Choose one of the following abilities you will have that ability.

>Requires coordination
>Situationally strong

Yeah that seems pretty good.


Yes you read that right


You are welcome I guess.

not sure how that isn’t a weaker bounty

I’m not welcome, I’m Geyde

Works on scum

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But I swear your name tag said welcome

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so does just voting them most of the time lol

you know what also works

voting someone instead of using 2 votes

And when it doesn’t you have this ability

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