FoL Feedback Thread

Bounty requires a BD to die for second trial to happen, Pull Rank doesn’t have that. Otherwise it would be called Bounty instead of Pull Rank and thus no day ability.

Change my name to Kitten

It’s a doublevoter that scum can play around. For it.

It’s a 3 use day ability. It doesn’t need to be a huge game changer


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Forum of Lies


So like, mine and Nuclear’s suggestion of Pull Rank should be Bounty instead.

I don’t know about you but why would lynching BD ever a good idea other than confirming the noble at the price of losing a townie?

Isn’t what lynching itself is for information on voting patterns of the voters?

Bounty gives another lynch and allows Nobles to quickly burn through PoE.

The idea is you use bounty on someone who you are unsure about and lynch them.

If they are scum then huzza. If they are BD then oh well you can lynch someone else

It recuperates lost resources

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I gathered as much, the reward is lynching scum but not that benifical - then again it doesn’t need a buff either.

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Also I like how everyone is claiming that they hate confirmable abilities yet made bounty a thing

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I was so close to prove that on Gossip.

Bounty isn’t spot confirmable.
Generally things that take setup can be worked around.

The problem with confirming tools is when they can be used to instantly prove. Panic buttons

Even then there’s gray area with Bounty.

Double Vote is the same confirmability as bounty