FoL Feedback Thread

Introducing more chaotic roles throws the balance of the game from 80-20 to 60-40

Itā€™s called


are you just trolling now

I recently talked to NinjaPenguin and he said he explicitly wanted to design a wolfsided setup not because the villagers are good but because the wolves are terrible.

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also this is why I donā€™t like playing here

itā€™s not fun when no one tries

Then youā€™ll just have 3+ lurking scum. They seem to get ignored every game. Why would scum bother to play?

Cop13 has a 50% winrate, so youā€™re objectively wrong.

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Nah man
Thereā€™s a difference personally

As unfortunate as it is
This is probably like the best advice to go in on
Do the wolves go in blazing?

That seems to be the scums problem not the setups problem.

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The last FoL was won by Unseen.


sigh Because everybody loves a skilled wolf win. Thingyman (back when he played actively) once managed to win a 8v1 as an outed wolf. MathBlade has done a simmilar thing on MU. In both cases, the setup was relatively unchaotic, with vanilla townies and only a few weird roles.

The name of the game is balance. If nobody enjoys playing scum because its easy to find scum, you donā€™t have a game. You guys seem to know each other well enough to find scum fast.

listen here

I refuse to balance for bad players. Itā€™s not the setups problem to deal with bad players. Itā€™s the players who need to get better at wolfing.

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For the stats that mean nothing, because of the many changes and ā€¦ itā€™s rolemadness with conversion.

solution: play on MU where the meta isnā€™t as stale as it is here. If you want to not have a meta-orientated meta, donā€™t play on a site where people are outed as villager about 5 minutes into every game.


This is why Iā€™m gonna be taking a break from FOL when all my games get resolved. :upside_down_face:

why is it the people who play mafia longer always disagree with the people who played mafia not a long time

@Possessed whatā€™s your favorite alignment

Town or Mafia

Not counting neutral

Meta would be fine if people knew how to wolf properly, but as mentioned they donā€™t, so weā€™re left with people being lock clear on D1 because of having hyperdistinctive metas.


Thatā€™s not how balance works.
Thatā€™s how swingness works.