FoL Feedback Thread

So only the BD can target King?



Why can we Innoc the King?
Why canā€™t we Deb to the King?

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everyone always has complaints.

Not being done, means it shouldnā€™t be announced yet


sshh I didnā€™t notice.

I donā€™t know what you are talking about, seems like Solic is talking to himself about whether or not he should announce something to everyone :thinking:

If only we could see inside his mind


Current FoL is still running with a lot of old outdated ToL (Beta?) rules. There were a lot of improvements made by ToL in the last years, including the basic rules. Iā€™ll explain the basic rules including the reasons why I think they are existing and which advantages they have.

These are the things which confuses ToL players playing FoL at most: because these basic concepts are different here than in the current ToL, without being written down.
I propose either to change the current fol rulings to how they are handled in ToL, or to write them down, so they can be easily referenced. :slight_smile:

Also having a changelog/patch notes thread for FoL would be great for easy referencing.

(This is not an exhaustive list, there can be more basic rulings.)

Major basic rulings

Passives are kept. That means, if you had a passive with your BD class, or you gained a passive (e.g. when you get inoculated by a Physician or when you get occupied/redirected/prevented 3 times), you will keep it when you get converted/promoted/voted to king. You still wonā€™t be informed about gained passives. (This e.g. makes the classcards of the converted classes a lot shorter. Right now Passives arenā€™t kept in FoL.)

Prevention: Prevention does not mean ā€žvisit preventionā€œ. Prevention is a mechanic very similiar to jail. Prevention trumps everything BUT abilities which are able to be used against a jailed target. (Prevention is a strange thing for FoL to have, because the reason why Prevention exists is to hide the feedback to the player that their target was imprisoned. I have no idea how prevention really functions in FoL, itā€™s a really strange thing.)

Non-visiting: Does not allow you to bypass Prevention or Jail. Non-visiting is mostly relevant for investigative abilities like the ones from the Observer, or abilities which explicitely interact with visiting abilities (like Hunterā€™s Mark) (Right now FoL allows non-visiting abilities to bypass prevention or jail? Iā€™m not sure at all.)

King-targetting: The king shows up as ā€žthe Kingā€œ when investigated (or ā€žyour investigation failedā€œ, not sure which is better), and his abilities are non-visiting. The king can be targetted by almost every class ability (exceptions should be marked). That means Investigatives redirected to king are not a problem. (Right now the solution is that you cannot debauch to the king, and you cannot investigate the king. This short ruling here allows to generalize a lot of the ā€œcan/cannot target kingā€ abilities.)

Minor basic rulings

Occupation/redirection immunity comes always together, never alone. Itā€™s basically to make classcards easier to remember.

Delayed deaths: can be stopped by deathimmunity, including deathimmunity by Hunterā€™s Bear or Kingā€™s guard. (Iā€™m not sure how it is handled in FoL right now.)

Abilities with limited uses: You should always be informed about how many uses you have. E.g. a Reaper should know how many Souls he has.

Gained occ/redirectimmunity: If you were at least 3 times occupied, redirected or jailed, you get the immunity to redirection and occupation.

Gained jailimmunity: If you were 3 times jailed, you will become jailimmune and all attempts to jail you will fail.


Random Suggestion:

Make Mercy and Execute Share Uses.

We do itā€™s called the Fol Changes thread

ā€œeasyā€ referencing :wink:

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You can always ask the hosts or itā€™s the hosts job to update their classcard

We made it different so more classes can be unique and different. If everyone who had one had both more classes would feel more similiar. Plus why would a drunk be immune to rbs when hes the one doing redirects and why would butler be the vice versa. Idk I think it makes more sense. Plus tol players can just read their class cards itā€™s not that hard

Well right now we have it so it doesnt work, and u get no feedback. A huge part of FOL is we removed a good majority of the feedback, to make it fit more with forum mafia and not be a 1 to 1 recreation of TOL. So even if we gave feedback it would be almost the same in where u got nothing important out of it. So by removing that option that limits bad play by trying to check the king for investigative. Either way with feedback or without ur not getting anything useful so realistically even if we implemented that change, nothing would change.

Realistically Iā€™m not sure of most of the other changes you proposed but Iā€™m sure people more knowledgeable of the subjects can help ya

I donā€™t know priestess, a thread with 8800 posts and about 50 fol changes seems rather easy to navigate. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s no possible way we could make this any easier

Combine this with the fact that you have to ISO multiple people for changes just makes it so easy



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While Iā€™m kind of rushed for time, Iā€™ll get out a quick comment

Quick note:
Thatā€™s entirely unintuitive.

Already present

ISO Solic