FoL Feedback Thread

Got it.

Step 1: Link to a random youtube video with no comments
Step 2: Post a comprehensive reads list as a comment on the video
Step 3: Profit


Try it and letā€™s see if you get blacklisted for cheating or not :stuck_out_tongue:

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Cut out the middleman just post the vid yourself and its detailed walkthrough of the whole game giving your reads


If the players are going to be able to find out handily, the host will as well. :upside_down_face:



Ah right, I remembered why I tend to ignore this thread ^^ have a nice day.

Guess ur missing out all this thoughtful insight on how the game should evolve

Still think 2 for Alch is actually achievable not 3

This defeats the whole entire purpose what the heck guys are we seriously rewarding people with wins for clicking buttons now

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Ahem, typing actions, there is no buttons

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Yes there is

Typing involves clicking a lot of buttons

I read the comment for your alchemist change and I realized you meant against strong mans, I thought you meant literally typing /heal 3 times

I donā€™t think we even have 1,000 characters in tol

Now we canā€™t post the bee movie script in logs though rip


Priestess not everyone is going to be serious and we shouldnā€™t enforce strict rules on threads to not allow off topic memes like that

at the end of day it limits FUN and limited FUN is bad

develop a code that you share to everyone BUT the host

Thatā€™s outside communication and also illegal or otherwise rigging the game. :upside_down_face:

Nahhh let them share how to break the rules at best, thatā€™s the right place for.

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I mean itā€™s not

Outside communication is talking about the game after the game has started. Making a different language and teaching everyone it before the game and then using that language in a video that you share in your logs is technically illegal but I donā€™t see how anyone would find out unless they told the host

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You can mean what you want, if you find yourself blacklisted because you actually managed to try something like that, well, you were warned

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what if we got a person who isnā€™t in the game to make a robot that is able to talk about the game outside the game