FoL Feedback Thread

-Takes ToL
-Yep, NK is the problem of anything, let’s remove it

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I’m not proposing a removal.
I’m calling attention to a perceived issue so that it could potentially be addressed

I feel like current consensus on balance is a bit wack and isn’t informed enough, so I’m looking at the game from a mathematical standpoint. Note that I proposed how weak cult’s effective kp was


Blood of Mithras


…yes, if a class has an ability, I’m generally in favor of the existence of said ability being written down anywhere…


Does that imply that you are sometimes NOT in favor of it?

No it doesn’t imply that :wink:

Hindsight is 20/20
Me being diligent about writing things down…?
Not so much

…so we were supposed to assume Knight defend didn’t go through death immunity because it wasn’t written that it did, but we were also supposed to know that Assassin had a suicide button even though it wasn’t written that it did?

Right here at the top.
The Assassin has the ability to Suicide if absolutely necessary. This can only be done if all members of the Unseen agree to do so. If used inappropriately, it will be considered gamethrowing.

Well yes, but actually no
We had it written down here somewhere.
Solic probably posted it

Meh, last time I wanted to suicide ingame I got told I couldn’t :frowning:

I believe the choice was “only the MM and the CL could suicide”
This was before unseen promotion was reworked

I got no results in this thread for searching ‘suicide assassin’ (no quotes) but I’m open to the possibility that I used the wrong search keywords, or that it was written down somewhere harder to find.

It’s also not written down in the class card that the Mastermind can suicide, that seems like an addition that might be good to make?

I guess it never was implemented

Brain says yes
Gut says no

Follow brain

I’m confused, can they suicide or can they not??

Can they?
Should they?
Gut answers for me

That doesn’t make entire sense
So yeah probably

Kp is Kill power
The ratios are based off the assumption that every FoL ends d5 basically

I think we can trust that FoL players won’t randomly suicide for fun if it’s not necessary, and there are situations where they might want to (e.g. if the MM is getting chainjailed with no converts and the Assa is alive, they might want to have the MM suicide so the Assa can get a convert off + gets the ItS passive)

I’m just saying that if they have that ability, it should probably be written down, so that players know whether they can use it or not.

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