FoL Feedback Thread

I’m going to think for a moment because idk what i’m saying right now, but the game remains a numbers game despite everything.

No it really isn’t

if there were copious amounts of misvigs the setup isn’t broken, it’s just elements of the village are.
A vig is only bad if they shoot a villager that would never get mislynched.

obviously that’s without vig guilt, vig guilt makes the problem worse
remind me why we still have that?

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Because classes without vig guilt are completely broken (aka Prince)

We don’t want to have yolo killers on BD’s side. It makes the game unfun.

I like how you think Prince is busted because of the vig guilt.


Fireslol shot a green-checked player because he didn’t read the thread and Marg shot one of the autotowns that was in their town meta. Like, the wolves didn’t have to put effort here when our TKs were intentionally throwing.

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Tbh just limiting vig shots but removing guilt would improve consistency by a ton


That’s the opposite of the fol spirit tho.

My post got deleted by internet monster why

Is it really? Knight with a limited Cold Steel is still a versatile class, after all.

I deleted it

That’s one of the best ways to reduce swing
Odd/Even modifiers work as well, but they do kinda take away spirit

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You just want to hero shoot again

BD who are killing other BD are heavily punished, aka Knight suicide, Butler suicide, Prince loses his exe.

Prince is busted because it’s 100% no doubts confirmable, soft-rolepeeks somebody every single night while simultaneously blocking and protecting them and can unstoppably kill anything. The fact it dosen’t die when it kills wrongly is negligible to that.

@anon97870008 and why is this a fundamental feature that the game just isn’t the same without?


Basically, what I was trying to say is that a class can be perfectly balanced but the players who rolled it did absolutely nothing and lost. We need to figure out how many games of neutral killers were of people actually trying, rather then actually sitting there and doing nothing if we want to balance it.


Lol do you want to nerf Prince? ^^

I’ve seen players trying. I’ve seen NKs almost winning in fol.