FoL Feedback Thread

Why would it be unbalanced? I’m confused, for real. I’m coming from a ToL perspective, where the NK has about that winrate.
And I know, playing a class which has a lower winrate than even that is not fun at all.

The difference between FoL and ToL mainly is time period.
Due to this BD have a much higher chance to be able to pick up on tonal differences compared to how it would be in a ToL game.

FoL lasts multiple days and nights which last a few days each.
The time comparison allows for NKs to slip up and the maximised discussion means people can catch NK out easier.
This is why while it’s great for NK to have this percentage in ToL, it is more detrimental here because it means others are clearly doing something wrong or that it’s becoming too simple for NK on the forums and the whole setup needs looking over.


What is the point of having a NK when you don’t give him a chance to win? Either give the class a chance to win, or delete it. :eyes:

pick one


NK should of course have a chance to win.

My main point here is that comparing winrates between FoL and ToL is not the right way to go about things because they’re separate entities due to different aspects such as time and experimental classes we use that ToL doesn’t.


Please speak english with me. I do not understand you.

Actually my preferred option

Also solves quick games

An NK winning one 1/5th of the time, espically considering its just one person

Is highly alarming.


Please explain me why having a decent (~20%) NK winrate would be bad for the game, I’m not able to see it

The NK is designed as a balancing act between both town and scum

they both want the NK gone, as they disrupt plans, and can make the game harder for both sides

the NK is not designed to win tbh.

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Why then even bothering to play it?

Like, i know im gonna lose if im NK

But hell, i wanna have fun while doing it

unless both town and scum are inept, you should not win.

I feel like I have best explained my personal perspective here when it comes to the comparison and why winrate shouldn’t be winning as much here compared to ToL.

I believe that if the winrates become more equivalent we would be able to compare then to now (Which isn’t a bad thing because comparisons are always good) but I do understand some players e.g. Orange may become frustrated due to them losing 1/5 games on average just due to not rolling NK which may be where this percentage thing is coming from. Idk.

Its Designed to be a role for both balancing and fun

no one hates playing NK that i know of.

A class which has almost no winchance cannot be fun in my eyes :eyes:


It’s less “I’m frustrated I don’t win 1/5th of the time because I’m not NK” and more “I’m frustrated because a game that’s supposed to be about social deduction instead just grants a solo player enough power to win 1/5th of the time”


If you’re here solely to win that’s cool and all but I don’t think you’re playing FM for the same reason as the rest of us


Not playing for win is gamethrowing.
But yeah, I think your frustration is just born out of salt.

If you get NK, unless something major happend d2 that gives you a chance to win, you are designed to fuck with both sides hard.

But, because there is less mechanical info to find the NK, it comes down to reading the person.