FoL Feedback Thread

Buffing kp for one side only makes the game more swingy
Feast or famine

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Nerfing scum makes games go on for longer, which is part of the goal here


That just increases Swing though

Nerfing KP for Scum is a decent idea

if it becomes more townsided, then we can nerf protectives tbh.

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That kind of “buffing BD” Swing is good swing. It makes games longer.
The “yolo lynch” swing is a kind of bad swing. It makes games shorter.

fol should 100% strive to go for perfect 1:1
if it takes removing the NK to help balance it, thats a small price to pay for salvation

i mean not strive for

i swear im sober i just got home from school and im fried

And how would you Buff BD

every class is good, fits into their respective place and has a good amount of power that makes them feel useful.

No it doesn’t
If you buff BD’s effectiveness, games go way way faster since burning through PoE is incredibly important in order for them to win.

This happens in ToL through massclaim, full feedback, whisper metas
They do this to burn through PoE quickly in order to find the scum
It doesn’t kill players though since that’s often not necessary in order to confirm players

Above point


I’m not a fan of equality at all. It’s literally not a goal of balancing in tol.
FoL matches are going too short tbh, that’s the major problem I see in FoL. Both BD and scum should have ways to do a come-back even after almost-losing.

Id say nerf Cult and Unseen KP, and King atm

and E/D King atm.

if it becomes too townsided, then we nerf BD, ez.

Conversion does that for scum
Once town gets on its last legs, there’s very little that can be done in regards to comebacks

If you want comebacks, BD’s lynch needs to be able to outpace scum if it’s perfect every time

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the Goal about Balancing is Equalilty

This is FoL, its much different from ToL, which is basically Turbo FoL.

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good play should be rewarded

you shouldn’t be able to dig yourself out of a deep hole mechanically.

If BD are close to losing then they clearly royally fucked up and deserve to lose. If its tight MyLo then good town play is needed. If scum are losing they should get out of their hole with being able to powerwolf/deep wolf.

Mechanical saving minus hero shots shouldn’t be a thing


tbh BD protectives can pull off hero shots as is
It’s just that people overcoordinate


But clear games are boring, they are not interesting at all. You should never have the feeling in a game that you “already lost completely and there’s no point in even trying”.

I can’t find it, but me and nuke definitely talked about it before

That’s never the case as long as a scum is alive
Buffing power just makes hopeless situations even more hopeless for the losing side


You should never have a feeling in the game where you worked so hard to win, and for someone to then kill every single member of your faction or something similar


Why not? Equality is the best definition of fair

But that’s just salt of the losing side?
If you deserve to win, but the other side did a hell of a play and deserves to win TOO… what would you do?