FoL Feedback Thread

You are misunderstanding what she is saying

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She was proposing that the randomization for classes is a two-step randomization (Randomize BD class type first, then class) rather than one-step (Randomize exact BD class) as this removes the extra chance for a certain class type to spawn depending on how many classes have that class type.

But what about roles like protectives which are split across several typings?

This would change the relative spawnrates of things in a lot of small ways.

That ends up rolling a lot of nobles


We donā€™t need a lot of social classes spawning tho.

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Itā€™s plausible that this system would work best if done without an exactly 20 percent spawnrate for each BD class type


I think rolling is fine how it is.

Thereā€™s nothing to say you canā€™t do literally the same thing but with, I donā€™t know, 10 percent chance for a social/20 percent chance for a killer/25 percent chance for an invest/25 percent chance for a support/20 percent chance for an offensive. (Numbers made up fairly arbitrarily.)

Itā€™s a system that would make more sense if we decided to (for example) randomly add a bunch more Investigative classes, but didnā€™t want the game to be overrun by (for example) invests.

People who know things about balance, how much is it likely to affect game balance/game length if we just outright add two BD slots (for a total of 18 players) and donā€™t change anything else?

Not expert on balance but
A: probably.

Iā€™d say it prob go faster since like more prs to handle the two scum night one. Only problem it gives scum two more people who will massclaim and say exactly their night plans. Iā€™d say more swing but thatā€™s how Iā€™d see it

The clue is, we can easily change the exact percentages.
This idea came to my mind as I rolled the first time the classes as host. I was likeā€¦ ā€œwhy does the sole existence of Archer increase the percentage of bd killers overall?ā€ Having 1/n chance for each class (n=number of BD classes) makes astonishing less sense.

Right now these numbers exist, already, implicit. This is how FoL rolling works right now:

BD support: Chronomancer, Court Wizard, Physician = 21%
BD social: Mystic/Priest, Noble = 14%
BD investigative: Maid, Observer, Paladin/Sheriff, Princess = 28%
BD offensive: Butler, Drunk = 14%
BD killer: Archer, Hunter, Knight = 21%
(This is not 100% exact, because some classes are unique, but it is a good approximation)

It always felt like there are too few offensives in the fol matches. Now I know that this is not just a feeling.


Or we can just not

You are not forced to not using no-action although that is even worse idea in practice.

I do believe that scumreading and townreading are cause us to do pressing the button

Uhmā€¦ these percentages already exist in FoL, we were just not aware of it. We can not just ā€œnotā€ :thinking:

They do so why change them

The 20% each was just an arbitrary number, for simplicity. Some numbers like Arete suggested them make sense.

But why

Why is it better than current roll system