FoL Feedback Thread

If you’re going to adjust spawnrates, you should do so indeed at class level and not at type level and that brings open a whole other can of worms. I don’t see why these spawnrates are problematic anyways.

And we’re already saturated with investigatives, so I don’t see many investigatives being added either. At least all current ones have distinctive archetypes.

“Don’t change it, it’s math and math is scary”

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Also I have a math minor :stuck_out_tongue:

Or, well, will

I had math for a year in the university

I have 2 master degrees with main focus on maths, but whatever if you want to debase the argument on that.

This needlessly complicates the spawning system for no discernible benefit and the disadvantage that you’re going to have less class variety as the types with lower amount of classes like offensives will show up more.

I get the feeling that was mostly a joke

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Hey, spawning is done by the host. It is allowed to be complicated, because not everyone has to understand it to 100%.

I take everything personally, it’s a flaw that I’m working on

I feel like I’ve heard that from you before :stuck_out_tongue:

Shit, I thought he meant that serious.

Feels weird af to be on the outside and not in Priestess’s shoes lmao

But what’s the pros of complicating it, atm the proposed plan doesnt change the spawn rates like at all and it doesn’t really account for uniques

His math degrees were legit

Your post was mostly joking though, right?

I hate you.

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Ye thought so

It’s a question of if we want type variety or class variety and I’d say the latter.

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Then suggest which classes should be more often occuring and which should be rarer.

They should all be equal chance or be rebalanced to have that or you create arbitrary swing like 3 Observers spawning in ToL.