FoL Feedback Thread

ok how about this for the paladin:


Blue Dragon Investigative

Cleanse (Day) - Target player will be convert immune tonight. Can self target (2 uses)
Blessing (Day) - Test Faith is guaranteed to be successful and accurate (2 uses) (basically frenzy for TF)

Test Faith (Night) - Learn if target player is a member of the cult. (Unlimited)

Allow cleanse to self target

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Only thing I donā€™t like is this

Pally is Invest in this rework so it shouldnā€™t have this and Cultā€™s main thing is conversion so it could damage them a lot

Personally ToL smite is more fun than cleanse in that form

Yea but this is also a day ability

No shit. Remember tol smite

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Makes as much sense as smite in ToL. Not every ability needs to be of the same type.

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True but I think Pally shouldnā€™t have Smite either

Agree to disagree. I like it but itā€™s hard to explain why besides saying ā€œdiversityā€

Personally all id do is up cleanse to 3

But id test in this state and then if up as ass. Up it

Dont buff without testing first

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Alternatively we could make Sheriff appear in cult games and paladin appear with unseen and then rework the paladin to be full on killer. (Still with the unconvertability and uniqueness gone)

Smite needs to be there so cultists dont breed like rabbits

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:eyes: TEMPLAR


Maybe I could either try it in SFoL or in a turbo setting?

Ehh i want a 2 faction game ngl.
Pally and sheriff can be converted

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speaking of which if anyone wants to make a class card for that then that would be great.

Ehh why not,

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I think I might like Pallyā€™s ability if it wasnā€™t self targetable

A class should not be able to protect itself from conversion imo

Pug wanted it. I donā€™t really care. Duke it out