FoL Feedback Thread

It already has double vote
You can for example give it force pardon wich prevents 1 person from being lynched
Doesn’t solve the problem

That’s irrelevant

It isn’t

It is, you didn’t address why the idea is bad

I did

You didn’t list anything that made my solution to this a problem

You just said it had a double vote and you can give someone a force pardon

GT is totally fine imo. It’s a power moment without introducing huge swing. Resetting all votes and forcing everyone into a trial hugely impacts the day regardless of it’s apparent effect of just being able to be pardoned and continue. That doesn’t just happen unless it was used badly.

Giving huge amounts of power to an unknown alignment class leads to the annoying problem of EK = evil win. GK = Good win, which you definitely want to minimize. This way King is impactful, without killing power dynamic.

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Yes I added additional solution and answered “we don’t balance around bad plays”

“Giving a class an impactful ability is bad”
uhhh yeah sure.

Your solution doesn’t prove that mine is bad

It doesn’t but other part does

You basically cherry picked a statement lmao


what other part

That’s not what I said there. Kings are still relatively powerful.

“It doesn’t solve the problem”

You never listed THE PROBLEM

I did it was yolo gladiating

That’s not a problem, that’s a player problem.

And EK using lynch to self exe

using lynch to self execute is dumb lmao