FoL Feedback Thread

Well it came down to 3 nks from unseen. 2 from nk. 1 mislynch by town. With 0 scum dying except nk. That’s six deaths of like the starting 10-11 bd. Like if town didnt out their TKs and Lymph played the game. Yall would have had me lynched and then u could of had ur TKs swing properly. Like I agree that it was to fast. But nk got like super lucky with kills. And it steamrolled. That game if town just didnt claim and lynched the red check first yall prob would have won

At least it’s not so overpowered as the first version of the King, as no-trials were introduced. ^^

Also like yall beleived that u would have a butler on me. And didnt question it at all. While scum knew he was fake af

What’s your point

I thought that we at least rolled one offensive class, tbh.

Having an EK and the Drunk being a Fool made shit complicated for us.

Then again, that match pretty much reinforces what we’ve been learning so far.

Ignore mechanics and play only on reads.

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That’s achieveable by increasing playercount by 2

Yeah that was unfortunate that u guys had a bad roll. But I dont think scum was op because town just like self destructed

Ignore reads and play only on mechanics

I’m not saying town played well, but it wound up being a 16 player game with the first lynch being MyLo.

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That townplay that game was just worst than usual. And it was the reason it ended so fast

No mechanics
Reads only
Final destination

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What pissed me off was how we pretty much had you red-checked and I had Maxwell as a most likely parner and Eevee via PoE. Then Lymph just had to throw the damn match like that.


I’m not necessarily thinking tho that the GT was the problem in this.

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I mean, that’s what we tried to do with Lymphoma that match, it’s just that, well, he was himself.

basically yeah

Tbfh, I’m kind of just glad that some of the more… problematic, should I put it that way, players don’t play here anymore. It’s a bit frustrating to play with people like Isaac or Lymph who just spams off-topic shit while claiming scum for no reason at all.


They were fun

I want to see Isaac really give it his all, cause I beleive he can be really good if he tried. He just needs to focus and try.