FoL Feedback Thread

They were useless and unreadable. Not exactly fun to play with.

We’ve given him 2 chances to make up for it.

In SFoL50 he didn’t change and he zero-posted in PyMM.

And I get that. I just wish he did. I was hoping for the character arc and growth… it just didnt happen

What’s pymm

Paint Your Mafia Mafia.

Paint ur mafia mafia

I rate the show 3/10


I rate that show 11/10

No anime

Looks at pfp


I’ve been had


we are just in a simulation

Or rather we are in a very long movie some alien is watching rn

Did I go from gamethrowing and annoying to just annoying


Top ten character arcs


But where did I gamethrow after

U didnt that’s why u have the arc


The Scorned :fire:

Neutral Social
Utter Contempt (Passive) - Immune to occupation, target changing and visit prevention. Additionally, you are immune to death at night once. Targeting a player with a night ability will mark them for the following day. After achieving your win condition, your abilities will be disabled and you will suicide this night. This passive is retained upon class change.
Bait and Switch (Day) - Target player is occupied for this day. - 1 Use
Incriminate (Night) - Frame target player. - Infinite Uses
Disguise (Night) - Target player will appear as the chosen class if they are lynched tomorrow. - 2 Uses
Survive to see 2 marked players lynched.


The Scorned :fire:

Neutral Social
Utter Contempt (Passive) - Immune to occupation, target changing and visit prevention. Additionally, you are immune to death at night once. Targeting a player with a night ability will mark them for the following day. Lynching Blue Dragon with marks yields 2 points, while lynching non-BD yields 1 point. After achieving your win condition, your abilities will be disabled and you will suicide this night. This passive is retained upon class change.
Bait and Switch (Day) - Target player is occupied for this day. - 1 Use
Incriminate (Night) - Frame target player. - Infinite Uses
Disguise (Night) - Target player will appear as the chosen class if they are lynched tomorrow. - 2 Uses
Survive to gain 3 points.

This was an idea I concocted since some people had problems with Scorned being incredibly capable of townsiding
I personally didn’t see it as much of a problem, but eh