FoL Feedback Thread

I forgot lul

But the question remains if a Sellsword and Warlock are both alive though.

The Weaver :shield:

Neutral Offensive
Woven Clothes (Passive) - Attacks made against you will bypass healing.
Determined (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection. Kept upon class change.
Tripwire (Day Ability) - Set a tripwire at a player’s house, granting them immunity to attacks and notifying you if they are attacked. They will not be aware they were attacked. - 2 uses - Able to target self.
Entwine (Night Ability) - Entwine a player’s house with strings, occupying them if they are a Killer class. - Infinite uses
Weave Strings (Night Ability) - Redirect attacks made against a player to the attacker(s). Only able to target the same person once. - 2 uses
Survive to see at least three players with an ability to directly kill die.

How about this for an alchemist rework

How about Sellsword’s effect only applies to their own abilities

I’d let them both not visit and gossip not show as successfully being redirected, because they weren’t.

Needless nerf? :man_shrugging:

Interactions become less of a nightmare

NK Counter. :confused:

I think I figured out its interactions

Without needing to change anything


My main problem with that is that NK suddenly hates playing the game

Not at all. Most NKs if not all are immune to occupation.
It can win via the death of Knights, Archers and Prince.

It however wants to directly side against NK, which no other Neutral wants unless Scorned mark.

Why would it want to side directly against the NK if it’s killing people for it?

Because that will further its win condition.

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By one death whereas the NK is adding at least 1KPN which can easily target a killer class, or even anyone that can kill.
It’s a distraction from the Prince.

Alch rework wincon brainstorming:

Someone make this a wiki, I’m not original

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If we can’t manage one satisfactory one, how would you imagine we’d manage three?

And still make a cohesive class.

I honestly like this one

Neuts can usually side each faction. There are some exceptions (aka ss cannot side bd, and such), but usually, they can side everyone.