FoL Feedback Thread

People actually do that?
Well, glad we don’t have that here.

Also what even made Peasant become a thing that is seriously considered for FoL? FoL is rolemadness. Rolemadness isn’t supposed to have vanilla classes.


It isnt I just push it cuz it’s my baby

It’s a joke
I’m never going to include it

Peasant was a product of my troubled teenage years where I was even more dogmatic about FM than I am now without even understanding what I was saying. I’m sorry.



I did it once lol

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Once is enough to get arrested. Lock him up bois

I have fake claimed many times

Anyway I probably agree that massclaims are a bad idea, and if people still do them they’re basically just playing badly and we’re not going to do a thing about it.

something something host more vanilla games to improve understanding of the fundamentals of FM something

Ah yes but did u fake claim neut


I claimed NK in scp game

Lock her up admitting to a crime

host a turbo vanilla and I’ll join.

Host mash but everyone vanilla

Like 30+ with all vanilla I want to see that

Is this it
the fabled time where a cop9 turbo actually fills

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Jojo’s is not a pr filled mash but all vts

Joat 9 did. We can do it

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Ici would you join low-power closed rolemadness

If there is at least 1 PR Its ruined