FoL Feedback Thread

Not unless you can convince me that other roles are better


Buff Priest and Mystic (majorly), give them the BD power alignment.

this is still a valid motion :slight_smile:

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why was it even changed?

racism? I heard it was racism.

I highly doubt it was racism :eyes:

bd br bd br

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The future is now old man

you try telling the difference

im a boome

i heard it was racism. Canā€™t remember where but i did.

you try telling the difference from a glance from

br bd br bd br bd br bd br bd br bd

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why didnt they just call them the ā€œblacksā€

thatā€™s a good point

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Why am I not a part of the team yet

Because being on the team and being a mod are distinctly different things


Do you want to be on the team


Alice, Ici, Me

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Yeah hard relate

Except I donā€™t because Iā€™ve never been either


add Peasant

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