FoL Feedback Thread

We also need Paladin and Paladin!Seeker if this happens tho

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Not necessarilly. Paladin could remain badass

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Yeah. But like 2 immune to convert bd is still too much. And if pally was unique convertable. Itd honestly be the worst thing ever.

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We need anonymous voters

For no reason :slight_smile:

Stop shitposting here


Why does warlock have limited night abilites :thinking:

And if warlock dies but uses carnage does it still take effect?

For example.

Iā€™m using carnage hang me and it will go through donā€™t and I wonā€™t use it.

But just going to say stuff about why I dont like making Sheriff non unique and convertable and Paladin just sits there in its current state.

I really dont like inconsistencies. If one of the hardcounters are convertable. Then the other should be too. My ass ocd cant deal with issues like this

Also 2 easily confirmed BD classes isnt fun for the scumteam. Prince shouldnā€™t be convertable because Prince is the most powerful asset to BD
Paladin or Sheriff however both have no reason to be convert immune.

Paladin should be toned down a tiny bit and be made an Investigative class that is non unique and convertable. I am all for having more claimspace for scum.

But personally, we could use a new BD social class. Itd be fun.

It is easily much harder to win as Cult than Unseen in my personal opinion in FoL. Unseen just needs a smart MM, Cult need smart players in general.

I donā€™t think carnage should work if the warlock is hung.

Now Iā€™m in the mood for a new BD social

I agree with Pug about changes to Pally (altho Cult does a lot better than Unseen due to alts and Unseens massive reliance on a class with no reliable fake claim).


Honestly Iā€™ve always liked the idea of one faction having a convertible hardcounter while the other than one that isnā€™t

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ass ocd? :^)

Your OCD isnā€™t a valid reason to balance a class around
There can be differences in cult and unseen games.

With your logic, both the cult and unseen should have 3 members max both of which have identical abilities.


i think he was joking marl

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But like, cult relies on converts so yeah

Royal Blood is something I have trouble with because it removes much of the fakeclaimability from the game, personally, Iā€™d rather change it to this.

Royal Blood (Passive) - When electing a new king, your votes will privately count as two. Additionally, you will always win against a non royal on a draw of votes.

  • Yes
  • No.
  • Something else (comment below)

0 voters

Personally I want to get rid of royal blood altogether or at least changing who gets it or something. While it is an iconic ToL feature I think itā€™s a safety net for the BD.
also I want to see more neut kings


Honestly i wouldnā€™t call Royal Blood problematic.

Despire the fact that KIng is rarely a target for execution D2 or D3, it isnā€™t that type of mechanic that makes BD incredibly strong. If youā€™re claming a class with RB, you also need to be aware of a risk that it brings.

Your suggestion doesnā€™t really change anything. Itā€™s still confirmable so might as well you can just leave it. Sure we can swap it butā€¦just why?

Well actually, you just think. Ah, royal blood voted me? Cool

Itā€™s not as confirmable as before.

But the remove royal blood entirely is something i like the idea of

I think Kings die too rarely for it to be useful