FoL Feedback Thread

Classes are fun that actually require some skill.
Perhaps some people don’t like that?


in situations like this I predict the best way to convince Kyodaz would to put him in an cycle of only rolling chronomancer and see how much skill is in that class compared to the luck

that’s literally the best way to show him he’s wrong about it being skillful, it’s blindful guessing pretty much

I’d much prefer rolling Chronomancer to any other class, really.

I’m glad you feel that way, that’s exactly why I said my statement.

let’s drop this whole “fun” shtick because it’s subjective
i’d argue the main problem with suicide as a guilt thing is that it’s swingy as fuck, disregarding that it’s basically the one sure-fire way to make vig, one of the most fun roles in the game, much much less fun, to the point that it seems boring.

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So you dislike Knight because it requires townreading for Guard and scumreading for CS…
But at the same time you like townreading, attackreading and scumreading for Chrono to be good?

Like… both require a similar mindset, Chrono is just slower in the outcome.
And Chrono doesn’t even have guaranteed kill power…

As I said, me no smart 4 diz.

So, can someone explain to me why Knight CS doesn’t cancel when redirected? Whats the reasons?

Because previous FoL team members implemented half of reasonable changes to FoL based on general forum game design without implementing the stuff that would make those changes actually make sense.

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It does cancel

In this current state it isn’t worth cold steeling at all.
Guard is just a night-plan mash button on someone everyone thinks is town.

So for example, vigges should be redirectable, but not until guilt is made much less harmful.

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I feel like everyone in this conversation is starting from very different premises and none of you are willing to reconsider those premises and that’s making it hard for you to get to any sort of agreement

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And there aren’t any Blue Dragon Bus Drivers. Why do we have a BD Bus Driver, a role that’s known to, even in low-power rolemadness, known to be bad because of the unintended consequences, in a setup that has the main feature of being very complicated and with lots of unintended shenanigins?

Depends on how the game runs, if BD get’s behind either due to a n1 Prince death or unlucky lynches, being able to CS is a god send.

Aren’t all protectives just “mashing buttons on your highest town read”. How is Chrono or Phys different.

Thats How conversations are supposed to be had

For instance Priestess is starting from the premise that if you don’t have a metaphorical voice from the heavens telling you someone is evil, you shouldn’t execute or vig them

and Ici is very much not

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No because none of them are actually discussing the sources of their disagreement, they’re discussing downstream consequences and acting like it’s self-evident that they’re right

you didnt get the joke

personally i think being able to make outrageous vig shots with the only possible downside being you shoot an important villager PR is part of the game and should be embraced by designers

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Is it only because you want to make hero shots