FoL Feedback Thread

What if we made MM not occupy/redirection immune

Would that be a reasonable nerf to Unseen


Why are all NKs Immune to occ / redirection with several ways to bypass protection

Also yes

On the one hand the amount of occ/red immunity they have is objectively unreasonable but on the other hand I donā€™t know if they need nerfing given their winrate

Only thing is you need To buff myst And priest to prince lvl

Is it revive priest time again. I donā€™t know if thatā€™s smart

This is fol

Iā€™m aware

Two of the three letters are the same

Ye you got me Thats How words work

That was a joke

My point is that FoL is specifically the subset of FM designed to be spiritually similar to FoL

thus some changes that might be good for balance would be kind of unreasonable to implement

example: it would be way easier to balance FoL if we got rid of conversion

but also no

Yes then say Why they are bad not if they are close to ToL spirit

The fol is balance around conversionā€¦

Wait no I read that Wrong Its more meant to be flavour wise to be similar

Because Butlers/Drunks/Tavern Keepers/Princes have ways to bypass that immunity (with a limit) and we donā€™t want a Butler being able to clear players hard alongside the actual offensive ability.

We can also give it a try with SFoL game with no conversion mechanic and no neuts.

Delete Prince , Priest, and Mystic
Give King guiltless infinity axe
Give King dead abilities

Oh, you mean a S, Frostwolf

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thatā€™s just standard forum mafia with adiart flavour . . .

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I fail to see your point.