FoL Feedback Thread

Geyde (Fanatic) and Alice (Duchess) both tried for King in EFoL 2 pre-reroll

I feel like what this is telling us is that scum usually go for King in scenarios when theyā€™re close to parity and they need the extra voting power (we took away the doublevote but GT still kinda does this) and not when they arenā€™t

Grand Trial in that game was absurd
Literal quadra voter

so we gotta give something thatā€™s not voting power as incentive.

I still really like elected EK in scumchat because it lets EK push agenda and pass information


How much of the scum tendency not to go for King is it being actively suboptimal, do we think, and how much of it is most scum players on this site being relatively passive?

It getting that was always stupid

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Ah, he learns.

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Ah whaat

Thats not exploit

Voting someone to king against his will feelsā€¦ not intended tho.
Royal Blood becomes suddenly a negative passive you donā€™t want to have as Prince :eyes:

I mean ye you shouldnt out as prince either way it gives scum additional way to get rid of prince

This is true but on the other hand, currently there is no stepping in FoL. Prince doesnā€™t have to get voted on in ToL because he rarely steps.

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I think it could be a good idea to add stepping to FoL.

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It would make the whole king voting process more interactive and more interesting for the players, so I think, if you need people to step up, and then vote them, there would be more participation probably.

I donā€™t think stepping would work tbh

I dont see the Why that would follow from being able to step up Its other way around since scum has more influence you need to Take more part in it

Hot take on LT:

BD lost because they ignored the Anti-Claim mechanics

weā€™ve had stepping before. iirc it was removed because it dragged the game speed.