FoL Feedback Thread

Converted citizens become page perhaps?

I like the mm/cl choosing their abilities tbh.

Nein to FoL cits

I dont like the citizen idea.

It just becomes forum mafia with conversion.

Its called Forum of Lies. Not Special Forum Mafia

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Just because its ToL based doesnā€™t mean we need to adhere to the tenets of a ToL game though. After all, Cult is basically an entirely different thing here, for one. Plus, thereā€™s nothing stopping us from making it an SFoL thing if itā€™s not popular enough, I suppose.

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Yes I know. But a game with a majority of vanilla citizens might as well be called forum mafia

Its not fun when all you have is Prince and sheriff and then everything else is just a vanilla cit. Its so fucking bland

just saying, but on ToS forum mafia they have citizens, and Iā€™d still describe ToS FM as being ToS, good thing or bad thing

doesnā€™t normal TOS already have citizens tho

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They dont i dont think

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Also the cit will be bored while rn you can be anything and always somehow useful

I thought when the vanilla cit was brought up it was going to be a minority thing not a majority cit like a FM. The above posts are right, if all youā€™ve got is a prince, sheriff and the rest are citizens itā€™s not a fun game at all. If it is going to be introduced to FoL or SFoL, it seems reasonable to set a 2-3 BD citizen hard limit and have it roll same % as physician (Im assuming rolls are similar to ToL)

For me personally the favorite thing to do is scumreading based on posts not mechanics so adding a cit majority is fine in my opinion


And then only the people who roll it donā€™t get to have fun :thinking:

would be too different from FOL to actually be FOL
At this point youā€™d be better off making your game a FM.

I donā€™t really want citizens. Unlike meny people here I consider night play to be just as essential to the game as itā€™s day play. Plus I consider the question of how to stop massclaim in a rolemadness game where the roles are known without bastard mechanics is an interesting one.


I wouldnā€™t mind testing it. Give every BD class rolled a 25% chance of being a citizen with a limit of 4.

Fol 16 special rule??

Nah, itā€™d be an EFoL if nothing else