FoL Feedback Thread

i think fol is pretty scumsided from the game ive played and the few ive read through

but looking at that list of fol games above, BD seem to win a decent amount


Itā€™s incredibly swingy from all the anecdotal evidence that I get from the past games
Maybe 18p changes that, maybe not

The thing I notice is that most of the BD wins involved scum catastrophically screwing up, getting really unlucky, or both

i suppose my only full game of fol being a flawless unseen win does taint my judgement a little bit

but it feels weird, coming from ToL where games end like, d6~ on average

games here end before d5 like literally always

BD win when they have good scumreads

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Important BD kill abilities like Jail axe or CS or Archer shot shouldnt be available N1
They screw up town way too often

Name two examples

The two is important

does my exe on kyo in sfol52 count?

Bd still won but i had 2 cultists in jail after that and would have murdered them both

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No because itā€™s an SFoL

And also because I always win this particular argument if I donā€™t count it

i havnet looked at sfol52 but i donā€™t think it should be disregarded unless its very weird

nvm thats clash of cults

id disregard it kinda yeah

This is totally how arguing with people is supposed to be done

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Tell me.
You know fol games better than I
But I know from tol that n3 yolo kills seriously hurt BD

My point is that I can think of literally one example of a N1 yolokill hurting BD

ToL is somewhat different because you generally have less to go on reads-wise

I can name multiple
But I dont care enough to remember the match names

arete can you find games where n1 yolokills helped BD

im not doubting its happened i just figure you know more about this than i

Then name a second one

without match name, if itā€™s EFoL 2+ I should be able to identify it

I can literally only think of 1 example of a N1 yolokill

most people donā€™t yolo even when given the option

because a n1 yolo is -EV in most cases

I think thatā€™s a problem best handled by allowing the player to make that judgment call for themself, rather than by gating when the ability can be used

(to be clear Iā€™m specifically talking about FoL here, not ToL)