FoL Feedback Thread

i kind of agree that it shouldn’t be gated in fol (absolutely glad it is in tol)

silly impulsive decisions aren’t really as common in a slow paced forum setting imo

I think one thing I want to distinguish between is “shots that killed a BD,” “shots that had a negative consequence,” and “shots that were a bad idea to take at the point when they were made”

These are overlapping categories but nonetheless three separate ones

solution: just remove all penalties for killing a BD as archer/knight/prince

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Yep, do that
All BD yolo n1 because its EV+ then to do so
But it fits to the forums

5 deaths night 1

bd win d2


5 deaths n1
Scum maj d2
Both seems likely

FoL = ToL in one day

cult eradicate n1/assa 2f1 n1 meta to add to the chaos

i want this to be a sfol

It sounds great for real fol
Real fol tries to promote yolo kills and yolo lynches, doesnt it?
*based on reads of course
*hero shots

Oops! All Killers!

20P Setup cause why not

King (50% Good, 25% Psychopathic, 25% Evil)
Mastermind / Cult Leader
Assassin / Random Cult
Random Blue Dragon Killer
Random Blue Dragon Killer
Random Blue Dragon Killer
Random Blue Dragon Killer
Random Blue Dragon Non-Killer
Random Blue Dragon Non-Killer
Random Blue Dragon Non-Killer
Random Blue Dragon Non-Killer
Random Blue Dragon Non-Killer
Random Blue Dragon Non-Killer
Neutral Killer
Neutral Killer/Random Blue Dragon Non-Killer (if PK spawns)


bonus points if killers’ actions are all compulsive

We need OE back

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king has infinite uses of OE

compulsive, of course

I just wonder why there is a Merc
I agree that @Mercenary should be guaranteed of course

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because i wanted one guaranteed neutral and i feel like merc is the most evil one to include


Its literally possible to have standard fol end SoD D2 with a BD win
Which is crazy as hell


2 NKs make it unlikely unless one gets marked n1

i think i found a setup that might give NK a chance to win

Can your NKs win together?

nah that might actually be op

That is what I have theorized.

Idea for Mystic:

Every night (Barring the first night used) it has the option to add one person to the Mystic chat. During the first time it uses this ability, it adds 2 people to it’s chat. People added to the chat stay in it for the rest of the game. The mystic also has a secondary, 1 use ability to check to see if anyone would appear to be Non-BD. This can only be used if there are at least 4 non-mystic people in the chat.