FoL Feedback Thread

I’m making the point that it’s not a kingmaker
About kingmaking in late game, I was referring to when they hit their wincon threshold.

It can just be bled and have it sit there until death.

I don’t see the problem
It has a wincon
It votes in late game in order to succeed in that wincon

It’s only a kingmaker should it do far better than expected value

It only heals itself on night kill

They heal themselves from bleed

Dont speak fm with me, thats not my native language. No idea what you meant with amnesiac

This only applies to kills

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Fixing wording to make interaction more intuitive

It still has the same problem kingmaker has they’re going to act based on their earlier targets Wich will in most cases give them random side

NK still applies and since u mentioned BD I realized that wasting lynch on neut or having to jail exe is kinda too much

It’s also ToS language :stuck_out_tongue:

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Im a lost child, tol is my only social deduction game :upside_down_face:

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That is why we got Squire, Priestess.


Role Description:

The Amnesiac is an independently aligned player who once per game on any night may choose to take the role and alignment of one dead player. They must then achieve the win condition of that dead player in order to win the game.


I.e. if the Amnesiac doesn’t ever pick a dead player’s role before dying, the Amnesiac will automatically lose. If they pick the role of a mafia-aligned player, they will usually be invited into mafia chat.

Role Type:

Third Party, Role-changing

Role Frequency:


Use of Action:


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Amnesiac has turned into Serial Killer

“Ah shit, here we go again.”

NK wants to side with neutrals
ALL the time

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(Of course there are exceptions, but that’s just me, I didn’t realize someone was sellsword the whole time and I would in heartbeat help him win together, unlike the inquisitor, he’s no good to me dead)

Ah yeah agreed, you weren’t in danger until you claimed

You certainly did, you did show your true colors after all, I suspect it as much.

But remember, Apathy is death.

I could almost do the main bad guy in KOTOR2 here.

Never change, me, never change :smirk:

That’s not a kingmaker

A Kingmaker is a player who is incapable of winning, but can still influence which other faction wins (in many important instances they decide which faction wins). In some rare cases involving Survivors, a Kingmaker might be guaranteed to win, instead of incapable of winning.

Kingmakers are generally unwanted in game design. For this reason, most third-party players who cannot possibly fulfill their Win Condition simply leave the game.

Strigoi, in a majority of cases, is neither incapable of winning or incapable of losing
Special case scenarios where this is not the case

  • Last scum/town left alive is going to die very soon (wincons immediately going to be reached regardless of what Strigoi can do. In this case Strigoi optimally tries to play to its wincon
  • Strigoi has mostly everyone infected.

Strigoi is, for all intents and purposes, an unlyncher with everyone it bites as targets.
It is always efficient to side with the players it has bitten, making it similar to a Merc

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Not if they’re against that NK

Just because it doesn’t match exact definition doesn’t mean it won’t face similar problems yes strigoi can through their wincon side with 1 faction more there are few problems here

  1. They choose in the first place those people they are going to side with
  2. They can still side with faction they wish because they need concrete people to survive and not necessarily win