FoL Feedback Thread

So that thought did not cross my mind.

Well you got nae naed here.


TFW nae naeā€™d

But like, change the name of the game to Forum of Salem already.

Itā€™s a better name

But if you do that
It will become Finger of Suspicion

Town of salem is a great game. I would suck BMGā€™s money hungry chicken if I could because I love their game so much

Nah. Forum of salem

FoS turns into Finger of Liar. FoL

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Even more reason to change it :wink:


Aaaaaaa why am i so hated around here

Because you ragequit ongoing games


Ahem PKR. I only ever pulled that shit once

Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ve seen him ragequit and not come back

If you prove me wrong then thatā€™s a fair argument

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Fire and ice wasnt fun anyway. Sorry to say.

I just was mentally feeling bad at the time too

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Yeah itā€™s ok, it was just a reallyā€¦ not nice thing to do considering you basically made the replacer enter a mislynch slot.

Either way this doesnā€™t belong in this thread at all.


Honestly. The worst thing about online criticism is when theyā€™re right.

Its so hard to think of comebacks when they are correct.

Tbf, PKR has never ragequitted a game. But he has been very, very close to doing so.

fun fact: if you think playing vanillager sucks, you suck!

This message comes from ElitistDouchebag Industriesā„¢


This fact isnā€™t very fun