FoL Feedback Thread

looks at Sellsword
looks at Warlock

mindmeld #2

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I mean it depends but considering ā€œBD-sided neutā€ is a god-awful archetype Iā€™d say maybe 40% is a better cap than an actual target


FoL is also bad because of something which won in in.
not naming any names here

hey orange remember that one quote from sfol 11

nah making neuts having no chance of winning 60% of the time sucks balls

never have a hard winrate cap on a solo who can with with other factions

soft cap maybe

Okay I discount those because ā€œscum-sided neutā€ is generally a good archetype, but requiring survival can make them significantly less effective at their purpose

When I say neutral, I am not talking about any neutrals which are in direct conflict with any major factions, or other neutrals.

ghost of fols past here lmao

new SS/Warlock wincon

ā€œSee the Blue Dragon defeated at any cost and have a majority of non-BD players at the end of the game vote privately to say that you meaningfully advanced your win conditionā€


How would you even have a ā€œhard winrate capā€

That one spiteful EK be like

ā€œroll a number 4 or less on discobot once in the gameā€ as a wincon

Neither of them has to survive

also scum-sided survivors suck

especially when you figure out 3/4 wolves, try as hard as possible to signal to them, and still get strongman killed despite your ā€œā€ā€œtownreadsā€"" on all of them


Like you do realize a 40% average winrate =/= a 60% chance to lose a specific game, right?

Itā€™s just that you get much higher than that and youā€™re getting into coin toss or even free win territory

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i assumed this implied that you meant neuts shouldnā€™t win more than 40% of the time

i guess you did mean on average


Iā€™m aware

Thatā€™s why I said Iā€™m okay with them winning for doing nothing in the scum-sided neutral case

Because otherwise the survival aspect is even worse

Please explain how a 40% winrate isnā€™t a 6-% lossrate.

A 40% average winrate is not a 60% chance to lose a given game

A good player should be able to pull a much higher winrate while a worse player should have a lower one

An average of around 40% then feels fair


well we still won the game so you can suck it

you were too much of a threat to leave in game if you were town(and i thought you were)

last time i left a wrong arete alive it didnā€™t fuckin work out well for me when they turn around and yeet me

and my ā€œkill-arete-asapā€ strat has a 100% winrate