FoL Feedback Thread

Ahem. Vanilla is indeed not what should be added into FOL.
But what about low-power classes?
There should be a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 low-power roles, with different total caps for each. More coming in another thread.


What defines a low power role?


few limited impact abilities, not well provable.


wait a bit


slightly nerfing all BD power roles could be a better answer. I’d say we should aim for princess level or power.


less ppl would complain anyway

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Give me a invest class.


Explain why Citizens are bad beyond “the power levels are not even with them!” and “it’s not fun if I can’t just press buttons to do shit!”


Before anything else i would remind you regardless how much are you disagreeing with this there are still valid points. Adding a class that literally does nothing in order to counter ONE repeat ONE strat is harsh and unnessesary if there are other options.
Despire the fact you would usually NEVER want roll Citizen regardless what type a player you are.

It IS better option. The fact there is a big gap in PL between for example Observer and Princess is tremendously visible and they’re both not-unique.

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Actually Cit may just be my favorite Town role


same cuz u can lie and be shit and it doesn’t matter

gotta love them 0 culpability roles

but seriously, although I think cits are good it’s p clear the majority of FoL players like it as they like the interaction of the abilities. I don’t think cits would go well in the long run, so tuning down the power of most BD classes is a better answer.


I think decreasing the bd majority will help imo

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Why not both? :stuck_out_tongue:


This is all just ToS, Mayor, transporter, sk ect

Is this discussion topic actually?

Idk are u

no u