FoL Feedback Thread

I dont agree.

Imagine being a player who knows heā€™s not the best player of all times.
I never randed NK. Or the neutral Impossible-to-win-Alch. I would probably not replace out because thats throwing, but I would definitely slank, and definitely NOT try to give my very best. Cuz its not worth spending your time on. You will lose anyways.
I have the greatest respects for anyone who gives his best as NK. You WILL be frustrated at the end.
There is no point in trying.

11/30 - 36.66% winrate with Sorcerer.
9/28 - 32.14% winrate with Reaper.
13/27 - 48.15% winrate with Possessor.

33/85 - 38.8% winrate with NKs.

What they say are facts, but they burnt them for it.

Itā€™s not a team

But Evolve isnā€™t a team-based game

So I really donā€™t see how thatā€™s at all relevant

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But both claims are true :thinking:

Yes it would.

The entire point of a social deduction game is to pit an informed minority against a uninformed majority and force people to use their wits and charisma to either discern who is teamed up or stop the others from discovering their team.

Throwing a single player for whom neither of those ideas even apply at all a full third of all games on average completely destroys the notion of being a social deduction game, and would lose a fair amount of what makes them fun in the first place.

Iā€™m not disagreeing nor was I arguing for this

But 33% to an unaligned player is not fair to literally anyone else

Because the NK is a non-uninformed-majority player

Any time it wins the uninformed majority loses

Its winrate should basically be docked from scum as they ideally work together in the early game but are always both against town and so should be balanced accordingly

Itā€™s the exact same reason I was saying that multiball setups should generally tank the winrate of the ā€œfirstā€ scum faction and only slightly lower the townā€™s

Hot take

Old Alch/Fool and Revenant were much more likely to make players apathetic through being easy than the more difficult classes ever were or ever will be

Source: history shows itā€™s true

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imagine stopping voting for 100+ hours.

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how would that make you feel?

ā€¦why not? In particular, given your next post (that average players should have some chance to win), thatā€™s more-or-less not possible without people who played incredibly well having more than a 15 percent chance to win.

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Hi itā€™s me, I randed NK back when I pretty much completely sucked (rather than now, when I just mostly suck) and even though I lost, that doesnā€™t mean it wasnā€™t fun


I never was in that situation in the forums. I was in the situation tho in tol (Old Scorned who had to get 4 people executed, which was pretty insane), and I remember that we rather outted ourselves and asked for a pity win as neutral King, than to actually try to win on the normal way. I think I still tried to mark people, but I never put any effort to win on the normal way.


I agree with this Good Take

NK has Very low winrate We should fix that not say that if We get perfect player into that slot they will get better win chance

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Fixing it for very good players doesnt help the normal player at all.

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can i suggest we make NKs an optional cool thing rather than making them the crux of the entire setup?

i havenā€™t really thought this through but it might be interesting

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Itā€™s not like there are really ways to buff NK that help good players and only good players

More-or-less any plausible way of buffing NK will make it easier for everyone

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So We should buff NK?

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