FoL Feedback Thread

anyway point is we’re encountering the fundamental issues with the allignment of NK, and because we’re tweaking an established setup we can’t shift everything around to design around them

which makes our job extremely awkward

and hence why I suggested making NKs not a thing we absolutely have to keep in mind

If it is not a 2nd scumteam, then how would the wincons of Town/scum change? Would you agree that “And any neutrals that seek to do you harm” would be a little unneeded?

Remember someone having idea to allow NK Take 1 blue dragon class And Use their abilities At same time with theirs sounded like a Good idea


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Not really because it allows the NK to fulfill its gameplay purpose and gives it a nonzero winchance

It’s gameplay purpose is to give Scum and Town 2 threats to deal with. With the town being bigger, the NK is obviously a much bigger threat to them.

This claim.

Does not support this one.

Since the exact method on you you’d reach any given winrate don’t impact what the ideal winrate you are trying to reach is in the first place.

In a multiball with 2 scum factions and the town with perfect balance would mean that when the scum teams try to go against the town, they succeed 66% of the time, and then when they do each of them have an equal winrate against each other. This is a 33/33/33% winrate scenario inspite of the factions working together early.

Remember, balance is ultimately just fiddling with the numbers until everything fits such that the game is as fair as possible. It can be done given enough effort no matter what the base is to begin with.

But the idea that “fair” equals “NK should win as much as scum and as much as town” is really incompatible with the type of game we are trying to make tbh


ok even if I agreed with that (I still don’t) you additionally made the claim that cultseen should ALSO win a bit less than town.

I stand by that claim for the reasons I have already discussed, and although I do personally prefer the idea of a roughly 47.5/47.5/5 breakdown I think the idea of putting the uninformed majority in the driver’s seat is a valid one.

To the extent proportion is what I care about I disagree with having the NK win less than 1/18th of games

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If you were playing a game against another team, then no matter what team you were, wouldn’t you want the best chances of winning? Now, the only way to have the best chance as either team would be to have it be an average 50% winrate as either side.

I don’t but you’ll notice I haven’t been pushing for my personal ideal

Jake have you literally ever done a team activity

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When people were commited? Yes.

Forum mafia isn’t about winning or losing(and so is most team activities)

balancing FoL for perfect balance over fun is less what FoL is about

So then why should you care if your team intentionally loses if that’s not the point?

can you explain that post better?

I’d like to propose that we actually engage with people’s arguments rather than strawmanning them

this isn’t directed at one person, it’s directed at everyone



If you are a town member, why should you care if they try to intentionally lose?