FoL Feedback Thread

yeahhhh boiii


All around good changes! :clap:

Also, Rip Shaman.

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See Spiritualist


I know some people think itā€™s a stupid NK BUT I WANT IT

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I should learn to shut my mouth about the spiritualist lol

Anything else is good for change.

Rip Shaman never saw it in-game - never saw it in-game :frowning:

Iā€™ve only seen druid and poss iirc

Iā€™ve seen Shaman.

It was in Sfol, I think.

Shaman was in that massive game where the game had to be rerolled by Alfa. I should remember because me and Ryan were the original starting scum with that faction and he was Shaman.

Edit, he was not Shaman, but I converted someone and trained them as Shaman

I was good that game, not evil!
I thinkā€¦

Nope. We were starting scum because Alfa didnā€™t show the team mates and I was saying I hope it was you

great changes!

Do you count to the majority if Order is used on you?

Also, why does the Psychopathic King have Possessor powers and no Royal Finger?

Thatā€™sā€¦ almost definitely an error. Someone must have accidentally put the new poss abilities on there twice :sweat_smile:

Oh hey that looks like what I had suggested for Possessor.

When are you given the journal to edit? There is no 1 day of being dead like in ToL and before the flip he could be occupied or hitting a knight.


And gather darkness should say it still bypasses healing.


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Pretty sure it is, I just couldnā€™t remember for sure who came up with it :sweat_smile:

Iā€™m actually not sure on the intended use of this, my reading of it was that you could change their journal to what ever you want, but you wouldnā€™t actually see it beforehand and make ā€œeditsā€ to it. However, Iā€™m not sure what the original intention was, so @3DT_CheesyKnives how is the journal changing part of Reap meant to work?

Good point, Iā€™ll go add it to the class card.

You still would, yes.

Fixed :stuck_out_tongue: