FoL Feedback Thread

Okay? That concept is new to me
Are tol neuts fulfilling niches, and if yes, which?

Guiltless, N1 able to execute, infinite executes Prince can be like a slankvig

What about a neutral that helps the Neutral killers to be more than the groupscumā€™s equivalent of a paper shredder, helping to shred through the crowds of BD.

Or do we just donā€™t give 2 shits about NK


well for instance, Scorned is filling a niche of making mechanical redchecks less reliable, since they could come from a frame, or even just from the Scorned accusing them

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Iā€™d say that not all ToL neuts are really fulfilling niches. Mercenary just feels like a side minigame for instance?

And thatā€™s something like the second most common complaint about Mercenary as a class.

That is also a niche tbh

Whether or not itā€™s good is up for debate

But like

If they added a class that needed to collect 5 infinity stones by visiting players, everyone would complain because thatā€™s not meaningfully different from Merc

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Basically what Iā€™m saying is that I donā€™t want to add a new neut to FoL without being able to at least slightly answer the question ā€˜why should it existā€™


Strigoi on itself is making invest feedback in general way less good, as longer the game goes. Which is kinda good since it removes a bit the PoE effectā€¦ makes invest classes a bit useless as longer the game goes, but as longer the game goes as more confirmed players you have anyways and as more you can base your reads on social stuff than on mechanics

We quite recently added some classes already too.

I think one explorable niche is to cast more doubt in king elections. Iā€™d like that to be the Archduke NK variant or some kind of Pretender variant, but that is also quite difficult. :smile:

Just put in whatever neuts I supported 2 years ago

Bam ez

Can you explain what this class is?

here u go

ignore the fact that Mercenary has since been reworked to basically have the Traderā€™s flavor

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Thatā€™s the original suggestion
Iā€™ve tried to clarify a few of his abilities since they were a bit unclearā€¦ Iā€™m not sure tho if my interpretation is right. It might need a bit of a nerf, since it comes out of a high high power setup, more powerful than FoL.

The Strigoi

Neutral Offensive
Blood Sucker (Passive) - When Strigoi uses his night ability successfully, he heals himself. Also the Strigoi will always be under the effect of Vampirism.
No Pulse (Passive) - Occ+redirectimmunity
Mist Form (Day) - All visits to the Strigoi will be prevented this coming night - 2 uses
Blood Frenzy (Day) - All players under the effect of Vampirism will receive the benefits of No Pulse and the healing from Blood Sucker if the Vampire successfully uses Vampiric Bite. - 2 uses
Vampiric Bite (Night) - Bites a player, infecting them with Vampirism and occupying them.
Make sure at least half of the living remainder of the Court is infected with Vampirism by the end of the game.
Vampirism: shows you as neutral offensive to invest abilities, your visits will be hidden, and makes you unhealable.

Good God

Yea, we are talking about Hand of Byzantium here. Which was a cool setup, but more powerful than anything Iā€™ve seen yet

This really just needs to be called Vampire in my opinion. :man_shrugging: