FoL Feedback Thread

Strigoi feels like a “visit 2 win” but it can win over the BD by making their people immune on occation.

Scumteam of slankers converts a third slanker

Convert gets CFD’d to in the last two minutes of D2

Everyone clears the entire wagon of being Unseen

Mastermind messes up their Princess claim D3

Assassin gets lynched D3 by PoE, Mastermind gets jailexe’d N3

Lich hits a Hunter bear the same night an investigative finds a Phylactery Holder

Ooh, I’ve seen this one.

Sounds like not a very representative game. :stuck_out_tongue:

Or maybe it does, which is worse

No, not really
It’s not very effective when played that way

That seems like the most obvious way to play it. Just visit people that aren’t scum or getting jailed, and maybe mislead the lynches a bit, and you win.

Yes. That’s representative :eyes:

the heck is this and why have i never heard of it

i think merc is one of the more okay neutrals tbh

Good reasons

show me the sauce


Just know it was a worse Fool

Well that’s probably not accurate

It was a different Fool

And because people weren’t brainwashed by familiarity they hated it

but how can a class be worse than fool?

It can be the same idea, and added on top

1 Like

IIRC Maso had to be killed at night

The problem was that getting jailexe’d counted

They were removed aren’t they?

yea but we were commenting on it being a bad idea in the first place

After FoL 26, there became a few problems imminent. After rereading the posts of the last days since FoL 26, there are a few suggestions which I’d like to do a poll for, to see how popular they are (this means of course not that it’s getting implemented for sure, it’s just to make the decision about it making easier). All of these suggestions can be tested in an EFoL first, of course.

Proposed change:

Adding a neutral (so that we have 2-3 neuts instead of 1-2). New class list is the following:

  • Yes
  • No
  • I don’t think that FoL is too townsided

0 voters

Buffs for NK: Neutral Killers are too weak.

Suggestion 1: Giving NK full feedback aka informing him about: if he got occupied, occattempted, redirectattempted, but also if he got attacked himself

Suggestion 2: Giving NK the following passive:

  • Both
  • Only suggestion 1
  • Only suggestion 2
  • None of them
  • I don’t think that NK is too weak

0 voters


Adding Strigoi, in this variant or in a similiar variant (details can be still changed of course). This was planned for already quite a time.

  • Yes
  • No
  • I don’t think we need more neutrals

0 voters

wallpost = locktown