FoL Feedback Thread

NO its not.

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Would you consider a lonely assassin with no other members a team in the lategame?

Then why shouldn’t it lose a lot if it’s starting at 50%?

By your own logic its max winrate should be 16.5%

Fair enough. But they win by mechanics, not by “the host says so”

Yes as other people win with him. SO YES


The team got themselves into that spot

Not some made-up handwaving


alright just give every NK a day ability that guarantees them a win in the F5 bar very specific scenarios

wheres the difference


Remember when we wanted longer games and now we’re talking about autoending at F5?


to be fair

neither of the games since we made the Longer Games Change have gotten remotely close to the final 5

F3 or F4 more likely

to be counter-fair

That isn’t a good justification for capping all future games there

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Okay “all” isn’t accurate duh

But I think F5 is probably a bit too lenient

They already have ways to setup a win in F3.

Reaper can negate a vote if he has just 1 soul.
Sorcerer can detonate multiple people.
Demon can time a bleed or rampage kill multiple people.
Possessor can force a vote.
Psycho King wins F3 automatically
Idc about Mind Flayer.

Weakest out of those is probably Demon for being able to set something up.


mind flayer can negate peoples votes on them if they brainstorm them iirc

How does that matter?

imagine having 40 billion NKs

i think theres too many NKs but having too few would probably be more problematic

Having fewer ones that are better would probably be a good thing?