FoL Feedback Thread

Why tell the healed though?

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1 or 2 class changes arenā€™t going to shift the mass claim meta sadly

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They wonā€™t be - neither the healed nor the healer will be informed

Yes aaaaaaaaaaaa

Oh. Iā€™m pretty sure we would need submit changes to most of BD classes if are talking about massclaiming.

Iā€™m down. Would be okay if the healer gets notified they save a life from an attack and if the healee gets notified they are cured of poison, but no notifications is definitely something I like.


Yes, if these test changes donā€™t help at all - Almost certinaly a full scale FoL Rework is in order.

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Also. May I say, at least change the ability name to make it not inducing in that way.

Nobles arenā€™t necessarily related though


But like. Prince and Princess.

But tbf. They did do that back in those timesā€¦

Actually went to search.

Laws were set against it.

pug stahp
this is a balance thread


But likeā€¦ could we at least make it not a type of matchmake ability?

thatā€™s irrelevant to balance

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Yes I know. But im talking thematically

Personally I like that version of the ability but I just think the theme needs to be changed if that made it

Perhaps if we had a mechanic to bastardise flips via lynch it would open up deception with that

There doesnā€™t seem to be a disguiser-type mechanic. BDifying the class seems to be the issue.

Maybe make flips journal-less and have a BD role be able to obtain a copy. That would be very much fake-claimable but not fool-proof (ie if a priest resses)

Weā€™ve received very intriguing info.

Eagerly awaiting the EFoL then :smile:

Here are the results of the poll From EFoL 1:

  • Do not change cowardly king
  • Rework cowardly king
  • Expand Neutral Kings - On the chance that neutral king rolls, roll again from one of the existing non-psycho neutral kings (could be cowardly if the roll hits alchemist)
  • Remove starting neutral king and make the starting king always good or evil

0 voters