FoL Feedback Thread

Okay who the hell are you and what did you do with Hjasik


Thatā€™s why I removed a lot of unique BD and moved to 18p
It often led to extremely unfun situations where stupid stuff just blew up everything

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cits :thinking:

I see that. But noone ever told me ā€œyea as host just reroll if you dont like the setupā€
And its really against the intention of the game to rerollā€¦ Nothing feels better than to win against the odds.

for context, weā€™re not talking about when the roles have actually been randed to players- just the basic setup before itā€™s randomised and sent to players. if you rerand something subjective like which players are in which slots, well, that is bastard.

I will be tarred and feathered if I do that


Because you shouldnā€™t do that

Itā€™s not a matter of liking it

Itā€™s a matter of some rands being blatantly awful for every player

Re-rand those

true, but those should arise from the actions of other playerā€™s and your own mistakes, not the rand.

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The intention of the game is to be enjoyable



the worst part of old fool

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10 irl days of nothing happening was objectively awful

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this was Going So Good dont do did

In tol I enjoy the swing of having bad rands, like winning as evil against 3 Obs.
But FM should maybe have different standards
Problem is: I dont trust most hosts enough to know when they should reroll and when not

letā€™s face it. at most, only about 50 games of classic FoL will ever get played at this rate. we cannot afford a single one to be ruined due to an objectively unwinnable rand.


Iā€™m saying nothing about the role in general

Just the old punishment



thatā€™s why we have to minimise the particularly unfun elements of swing for FoL. hence: remove NK.

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Let jesus take the wheel mafia


A bad rand in ToL wastes 20 minutes

A bad rand in FoL wastes 20 days

Yes they should absolutely have different standards

And if a host re-rolls unnecessarily, who cares?

If they donā€™t re-rand when they ought to, thatā€™s when stuff goes downhill, and then theyā€™ll learn for next time.


All actions are chosen randomly
All players must say random things
Votes random