FoL Feedback Thread

@orangeandblack5 pls link me to the “research” that has been done here

I’d still tell the host if you want to do so during an ongoing game

Ping the guy who said it lol

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Give a sample of town and scum games and it can learn quite well.

Things like using specific words a number of times, length of posts, post volume, explicit mentions of player names are easy features.

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I mean I gave SetToBlow tips on how to play before and during his first game but it was more based on what abbreviations mean

He picked it up extraordinarily fast

inevitably, everything is codeable @Luxy

New rule to ban AI then


Can I program a waifu

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No anime


I went a little further, I did encourage them to make readlists, sometimes I asked very vague general questions, which helped them if they got stuck.

Just run stuff by the host and nobody will take issue with it

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To an extent, otherwise we have to intervene with host rule breaking if people make complaints about host decisions

Let’s briefly summarize what we’ve learned today

1: Read the rules

2: Don’t break the rules, even if you disagree with them

3: If you think there’s a legitimate reason to bend the rules, ask the host first

case closed everyone go home


That’s a fine conversation but no host is going to purposefully allow something that damages their game

I mean we’ve had random hydra’s before as well. It’s okay if host can take it into account for balance and other players are aware too.

It’s like deliberatately setting up a 2vs1 chess match vs a chess teacher.


Problem is, people always say to newbies: yea ask the host in your classcard
But host neutrality exists, so the host cant actually give any real tips

That’s intentional yes

the obvious solution is to make all non-FoL games whisper games a la "ToL"FM and then make there be mechanical penalties for consulting players outside of the game, i.e: curses

this will definitely not be an awful idea

Where are the rules?