FoL Feedback Thread

they’re a headache because it seems like it would be an utter nightmare to program the ability to replace players into those slots

given you can’t even reconnect into your own slot, i don’t think even imagining ringing into a leavers slot is something i want to do


I dont think you can reread a turbo so fast :eyes:
And why would you replace these slots? Imagine a strong player replaces a weak player. That would be 100% unfair and would say “yes its +EV to leave while alive”

well a theoretical feature like this would absolutely need to be optional otherwise a lot of players would hate being forced into it

and if it’s optional its very possible nobody enables it

but yeah, loading prior chatlogs would probably be unlikely and even if that gets pulled off you don’t really have time to read 2 days of chat, especially if you’re a role that requires a lot of attention (eg. prince/scum)

Would maybe a good thing to just modkill these slots here as well. That would lead to less “its +EV to leave” replacings.

i disagree because of the colossal disparity in the amount of time a game of FM takes compared to ToL


If I spend 3 months crafting a setup that is supposed to last 3 weeks in-game, i don’t want to just modkill a slot because its holder slanked early or had an unexpected thing appear for them IRL mid or late-game (which often happens and must be understandable)

That would mean that some games would for a large part result in which faction had the least amount of replace outs.

There was that one game recently where town had like 3 or 4 modkills?

We’re not that competitive.

Also I don’t feel like it’s a full win for someone who has replaced out tbh. I don’t think I ever replaced out myself, so I’m not sure how it’d feel.

Most replacings are for shame, I believe. The shame to have not enough time, to be not good enough for your team. Slanking feels like gamethrowing for them, so they rather replace out before they get their first proc.

i disagree.
Most replace outs imo are for unforseen IRL circumstances that forcibly reduce activity to an unatennable extent


How many irl circumstances exist that dont allow you to even spend 10 min per day on the game?
I dont believe it.

10 mins a day is never anywhere near enough, what

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It is enough to meet the “no slanking” limits.

yes but it’s nowhere near enough to be a defensible member of your faction

We have to encourage the players to not replace out unless in dire circumstances. You know how many people replace out each game. I have hosted a game with 0 replacings, but others had 8 replacings or more, and having at least 3 replacings each game is now regular.

Exactly. You replace out cuz its +EV.

that should be encouraged yes
i also agree it’s a bit too easy to replace out now (in fact most times, an explanation is never even asked for)

more like a great deal too easy

IMO an explanation / justification should be asked for every time before the replacement occurs, but if it’s satisfactorily related to unforseeable IRL circumstances, the replacement request should be accepted.

however, if no explanation is provided / the explanation is not sensible or defensible at all, then i would be fine modkilling the slot.

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by definition, replacements that should be allowed (due to unforseeable IRL circumstances) are supposed to be +EV, by putting someone in that actually does have enough time to contribute.