FoL Feedback Thread

Is alchemist bd now I forgot

Itā€™s bd

It is

And I think inq ignores literally everything

Ah yes another one of my lovely creations

Credit to pug as well

God, Iā€™ll ask Katze to brief me into FoL :joy:
Noone of us really knows still how fol works

Itā€™s like tol except when itā€™s not

Pretty simple

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Knowing how it works =/= remembering the semantics of every single class and remembering all patch notes and changes

Everything is self explanatory if you read Geydeā€™s FoL on MU thread where I go through all potentially confusing things

That stuff there wasnā€™t confusing for me, that was just the basic tol stuff you explained there.

Action resolution
Then follow what cards say for the rest

Fol = tol except when its not
problem is to find all the cases where itā€™s not like tol, and nowhere written down

This would be a good thread to make

And what they say, not what may or may not be there
If thereā€™s a problem we can address it after the game

I need to find my post-FoL26 post

Thereā€™s probably 1-2 confusing things there

When I hosted, cult alts were still a thing. How is current cult in your eyes, katze?

On paper cult seemed fine and we didnā€™t exactly see much of it in practice cause CL had exactly one night of actions

Cult might be a bit too weak? But FoL26 was a really bad game to judge that off of

Some converts seem strictly weaker than their ToL counterparts though

I liked cult alts tbh

Cult alts were just a plain stupid way to explain something really simple. It was complicated to run, and complicated to play

How do you run current Mystic conduit? You have to wait until both partners removed themselves, before you can add the Mystic, right?
Is Mystic Warp reality announced or not?