FoL Feedback Thread

No humans disagree

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Woof the fuck?

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Except the meme in the sky

(I will stop memeing now)

@Soulshade55r just ISO Marls posts here and youā€™ll find the EFOL changes


Asheā€™s too

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Also. Iā€™d like to suggest to change Shadow Whisper as itā€™s useless now that scum have daychat.

May it be changed to mind warp/construct reality?

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Good catch, iā€™ll talk to the squad


Mind Warp is probably too strong
and Pull rank doesnā€™t feel like it fits

If anyone has any suggestions for good Apostle abilities, feel free to post ideas here
Remember Cultā€™s power mainly comes from their cult point abilities, so something super strong like mind warp wouldnā€™t really fit

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Curse of Corax (Day) - Target player will occupy whoever they visit tonight in addition to their usual action (2 uses)

wait thatā€™s more invoker but itā€™ll do

Ideally the ability will be social, yee
not offensive
so still taking ideas

Invisible double vote.

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I am not sure if this is thing but give apostle an ability like this:Target a player.You will get night results of this player.

So Gossip for Cult? Eh and this scenario it seems more as Investigative ability.

Make it like aristoā€™ intrigue. Frame and gossip

Not exactly gossip tho.You are not getting feedbacks of abilities used on them.You are getting feedback of ability the player used.

Itā€™s still an more as Investigative ability.

It may not be the worst idea.

Idk just throwing ideas here