FoL Feedback Thread

don’t ask lul

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I’m on Priestess’ side on that conversation. Fyi.
And I’ll happy argue against the incredibly misinformed and selfish people that think otherwise.

Oh god are we starting this again

Okay I have a suggestion

Add back Moon Spirit :sunglasses:

im def not

talking to people OOG about the game can lead to an unfair advantage.

Like helping somebody who’s new to FM by secretly giving them advice in DMs is bad.

and if you are so upset that you need to vent, do it in your classcard, or replace out. Don’t ruin game integrity.

Like nobody’s gonna get mad at you for talking to your parents, because they likely won’t know what FM is and if you don’t get into specifics its fine

But going to somebody knowledgable about the game and talking specifics, even if venting, provides an unfair advantage


Not the best way to start an argument in good faith, FYI. Particularly the second part.


and if your mental health is in enough danger that you need to vent and talk specifics, replacing out is by far the best option for both integrity and mental health

That is entirely what it is.
If someone feels the need to go to their mother about an online game because of mental health something is clearly very wrong and that rule obviously has some player discretion needed

nobody is going to get mad or enforce that.

especially if they don’t talk specifics

but when it gets into things like “talking with people in DMs about the game and alignments” even if venting, is OOG help and strictly forbidden

Provided the player is aware that the person they are talking to has no idea about the forum and lacks FM knowledge there is no risk of integrity breach

I agree

Which is why I think that argument is a strawman because nobody was seriously arguing that doing so was providing an advantage, and instead talking about more relevant matters.


I stand by the fact that if I felt so pressured in an FM game that I was pushed to replace out and seek some sort of help that rule will not stop me from going to my 45~ year old Mother who has no idea how to operate her phone.

Kyo and Marshal

I want to understand this

what do these mean

OOG = Outside of Game

this I do think is not good

going to your mother about FM is fine


Obviously if they talk to someone with a possibility of integrity breach it should be against the rules, as they’ve negligently used player discretion

OOG - out of game

Strawman - Refuting an argument that the other person isn’t actually arguing/misunderstanding or trying to misrepresent someone else’s argument.


an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent’s real argument.

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Did something happen?

That’s probably the lowest breach of integrity you could get
But it should be kept for after the game