FoL Feedback Thread

(Or for a Hydra)

and so

you are saying that we canā€™t talk to our parents about FM games if itā€™s stressing us out

is a strawman of

Do not help people in ongoing games by discussing specifics of the games with them and providing advice to them


it still provides an unfair advantage and is strictly against the rules, even if itā€™s small

Itā€™s like how even when I minorly angleshot in a few games I got blacklisted from eeveeā€™s games because it gave me a slight unfair advantage

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uh yeah theyā€™re discussing what counts as an integrity breach

im not exactly sure whoā€™s on what side

but you shouldnā€™t be DMing others on the forums/discord looking for what to do but asking how to do something is fine, assuming the person your asking doesnā€™t have any knowledge on the actual topic your looking to bring it back to



if you are going to talk about the game to literally anybody


unless its someone in the game then


like sometimes for example i play orgs and i have friends who also play orgs
say i went to one of them and said ā€œgod this tribal is sorta stressin me outā€ they would prob go ā€œyea i get thatā€ and leave it at that as talking to people oog about the game in detail is unfair because itā€™s a test of your ability
not your ability and your friendā€™s ability


What weā€™re discussing right now is whether or not itā€™s right to enforce that people donā€™t go to others for mental help as it breaches the rule of OOG

Which in itself should immediately be a player discretion rule and it will always be because you canā€™t control it anyway. As long as the person you are talking to has shown evidence of not knowing what FM is and does not know the forum there is no chance of integrity breach

I think most of the time you can just ask the people in the game(using the gameā€™s thread)

rule of thumb should be if your getting into details is rulebreaking, if not its fine


me bringing that up was probably a terrible idea

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Lesson learned :slight_smile:

In other words when in doubt, donā€™t say a word about any ongoing games.
Thatā€™s being safe no?

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Just to summarize and clarify this topic

There are two major problems if you talk in public or with others outside of the game about it

  1. other players could gain an unfair advantage (for example, if the other person passes on your information to the public/another player)
  2. you yourself could gain an unfair advantage (for example, if the other person gives you specific advise for the game)

If thatā€™s the case, then itā€™s an integrity breach of the game, and that can cause the game to have to be canned. Aka ā€œdonā€™t risk itā€.
On the other side, if it is literally impossible that this happens (like, if you talk with your mom about the game cuz sheā€™s worried why you are so stressed out), itā€™s 100% okay to talk about it. And itā€™s 100% okay to get yourself emotional help from her (mental safety always goes first, especially for minors(!)).


It isnā€™t only minors who might need emotional support while playing FM games. I would know from personal experience that these games can be an emotional roller coaster.

The Cult Leader :shield: :crossed_swords:

Cult Special
Heirophant (Passive) - You may choose to call forth divine intervention to randomize what cult class the other starting member is once before the end of the first day. You are death immune for the first night.
Rupture (Day) - Cause a player to bleed. They will bleed and die in two nights if not healed. - 1 use :crown:
Blood of Mithras (Day) - Sacrifice yourself bypassing all protection this night and flip as class of your choice. Other Cult members gain 1 use of all their limited use abilities, and all visits on a player of your choice will be prevented for the night. This occurs before promotion. This ability only works if you do not die due to any other means. - 1 use
Transfer Essence (Day) - Swap classes with another member of the cult at the start of the night, provided both of you are alive by that point. - 1 Use (shared)
Brainwash (Night) - Change target player into the Cult version of their class. If you have failed to convert a target twice already and your next conversion would fail it will instead target a random convertible player. - Infinite uses, 1 night cooldown
Eradicate (Night) - Unleash ancient power within Mithras, attacking 2 target players at once. This ability will be seen visiting the first target only. - 2 uses :crown:
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals that oppose you.

The Templar :shield: :crossed_swords:

Cult Special
Power to the People (Passive) - Your presence brings the following effects, even after your death:

  • One of the random blue dragon slots is replaced by random cult.
  • One member of the cult each night may choose to perform a killing action on a player of their choice. This action takes up their night action.
  • At the start of the game, you will know if The Paladin spawned, and how many exist (if any).
  • There are no promotion effects.

Aura of Dread (Day) - Target player is occupied for this day. - 1 Use
Eternal Crusade (Night) - Change target player into the Cult version of their class. Will not take up a use if unsuccessful, but cannot be used until night 3. If you die, this ability will be passed to a random member of the Cult, its requirement becoming night 4 onward. - 1 Use (shared)
Judgement (Night) - Target a player with one of the following effects:

  • Glare - Occupy a player. You will learn which class types visited them this night.
  • Coraxā€™s Veil - Make a player appear as a class of your choice, and choose who they will appear to visit. Can self target.
  • Blood Ward - Give yourself and a player of your choice death immunity tonight.

Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals that oppose you.

This feels really questionable, but fuck it Iā€™m putting it out there

The Avatar :shield: :crossed_swords:

Cult Special
Morph (Passive) - The Avatar is immune to attacks from non-BD players once. This passive can activate once between all Avatars.
To Ashes (Passive) - During the night, all members of the cult (including the Avatar) may choose to forfeit their night action in order to channel the pure essence of Mithras to kill a player. This kill will be guaranteed to succeed.

Reshape Reality (Day) - Choose a member of the Cult. Change their Cult class into a different one. - Infinite Uses
Consume Essence (Day) - Choose a class type. You will appear as it to class type checks and gain the following benefit until you switch it. Only one benefit can be active at once, and this ability may be used alongside Reshape Reality. - 3 Uses

  • Killer - All attacks targeting bleeding players are guaranteed to succeed in killing the player.
  • Offensive - All non-Avatar members of the cult will know when they are occupied or redirected, regardless of if they would normally receive that feedback or not. They will know who they are redirected to (if any).
  • Investigative - The Avatar knows whoever visits them during the night. This information is made known in the Cult chat at the end of the night.
  • Special - All of the Kingā€™s actions will fail, other than their votes. They will not be informed of this.
  • Support - One non-Avatar cult may forfeit their night action in order to give a player of their choice death immunity that night.
  • Social - The Cult may choose to send a player one 1000 character message during the day. This recipient cannot be the king.

Dominate Mind (Night) - Change target player into the Cult version of their class. If you have failed to convert a target twice already and your next conversion would fail it will instead target a random convertible player. - Infinite uses, 1 night cooldown
Obliterate (Night) - Kill a player. This may be done alongside Dominate Mind. - 2 uses (shared)
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals that oppose you.

is it even ToL-themed at this point

i feel like this is so far gone from the original source that it loses the gimmick of ā€œFM version of ToLā€


this is nowhere near actual changes

this i kinda like


the other 2

big eh

current issue is that cult is being ascribed as massively underpowered, but proposed solutions go route of ā€˜cult altsā€™ or ā€˜just introduce different faction leaders lolā€™