FoL Feedback Thread

Add Spiteful King to ToL ez

King doesn’t have a chat

why do this when you can just whisper them

whats a spiteful king

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Unironically do this



i think something similar to fol chancellor could work in tol as a pretender replacement that has a similar purpose but is less shitty to play against while diversifying the neutral pool

might look into it tomorrow but its sleepy time

I know Missionary would be basically impossible to win as in ToL
Also it’s a neut that would definitely claim D1

a ToL reworks would probably look something like this

The Pretender :star: :fire:

Neutral Social
Malevolent Tutor (Passive) - You have access to the following effects:

  • At the start of the game, you will have two random Blue Dragon players who are not the Prince assigned to you as your ProtĂ©gĂ©s. You will also learn their classes.
  • Neither ProtĂ©gĂ© will know that they are your ProtĂ©gĂ©.
  • You will be informed whenever one of them is visited by the Unseen or Cult.
  • A Blue Dragon-aligned ProtĂ©gĂ© that becomes King while you are alive will become a Evil or Cult King instead of a Good King.
  • You are immune to death at night once to attacks from non-bd players, and votes for you to become King count as 0.

Megalomaniac (Passive) - You will commit suicide during the night if you are ever unable to complete your win condition mechanically.
Sinister Negotiations (Day) - Your next whisper will fail unless used on a member of the Unseen or Cult - 2 uses
Defamatory Propaganda (Day) - Removes Royal Blood from a player. - 2 uses
Bodyguards (Night) - Gives a Protégé death immunity for tonight. - 3 uses
Nightshade Tea (Night) - If you were accused by the King yesterday, kill them, bypassing anything that may stop it. - 1 use
See that a Protégé becomes King and survives until the end of the game.

this should probably be moved to a different thread so im going to go back to the archer thing

well that was fast


I don’t think they even read it lmao

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allow me to summarize what you already knew and act like its new

then offer suggestions at end

So lets take these two classes.

  • The Knight

Its capable of being a protector in the lack of other protectives, and can kill in the lack of any other BD killers(save prince, who may be dead or jailing elsewhere). Effectively you can do what BD needs you to do, which makes Knight one of the strongest BD classes.

  • The Archer

Is capable of being a sub-par support in the fact they can remove death immunity. This is useless because the Prince can bypass it, so the only situation its useful is with multi-shot or if your going to shoot them anyway.

Guilt aint there, promotes just killing people because you thought they were suspicious early game, generally don’t like it. Promoting nearly guiltless kills are the face of the class.

The only thing archer does do right is what I said earlier; they increase BD killer spawnrates, which can be done with any other killer. Ill probably propose a rework eventually.

  • dot

so the Knight is a lot stronger then archer and a lot less conditional. Archer should probably be buffed. ill try to think of a suggestion soon.

Knight just seems like the better version.

  • Enforcer

behind like soulcatcher and arbalist, this is very close to being the best convert. Twice can assure a kill, which includes just
killing the prince and kang. Can be 3 kills if 2f1. Can also prevent investigations and NK attacks sometimes.

I like that it raises the strength of the Unseen as a whole, perhaps a bit much with Frenzy?(maybe make assassin unhealable OR occ/red immune?), Protection has potential to make good plays but isn’t ridiculous. Considering how long Unseen members usually stay as their convert versions, this is good(with Frenzy nerf, itll put it more in line with other converts)

  • Arbalist

So like Knight to the Archer, Arbalist is OP. Infinite Frenzies(unless occ/red. on assassin/knight), can make bleeds unhealable or increase KPN.

I don’t really have a problem with volley though, the increase in KPN is subtle and a reward for living 4 nights as an arbalist.

Raven Shot is good as a main ability of a convert. Its strong, but not too strong, and can make situations not as they seem if assassin is jailed or occ’d or somethin.

Pin Down is a stupid ability. In the lack of offensives(or knights), it can be used, every night, to either

  • make a bleed unhealable, which shouldn’t be a thing, at least not that easy
  • ensure a kill on literally anybody(including king,nk,prince) for free

I think the following things would help Enforcer and Arbalist

  1. Enforcer’s Frenzy instead makes the assassin’s attack unhealable and bypass the Knight’s Defend.
    a. this allows counter play in both offensives and the King’s Guard!. Also cant kill NK. Maybe only bypasses passive death immunity if we want it to kill NK?
  2. Pin down now only removes death immunity(passive or granted). Can be used on two players every night, but still a max of 3 marks.
    a. Raven shot actually becomes relevant along side a few other things. First, Pin down cant be used to make bleeds unhealable. Second, it allows for Volley to actually be used, since mark two players every night, which I don’t see a current Arbalist having the time for. Third, cant strongman the prince/king without just killing healers. I see this as fine, since this convert already has potential elsewhere.

so the above suggestions come from someone who has never actually played ToL before(why am I in the feedback section?) but things that crossed my mind when reading the cards over at the prompting above.

anyway I need sleep I hope someone actually read this

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To the first thing

Crusader to Alch is reasonable name change

oh god
I hate these fake classes like fol fool already, where you just rip off the name of a class in tol and put it on a fol class which has nothing to do with it
I have to call fol fool already all the times “fol fool which is not a fool at all” in my head
and “fol alch which is basically just a bd class”
ripping off flavor from tol just for the sake of it isn’t great

well tol fool made the game unfun, so he needed a change, as for these new ones yeah atm i aint feeling them

I’m not against the changes which were made to these classes
but they should have been renamed tbh ^^ it’s not a big deal tho, its just annoying, its not a hill I would die on
but reflavoring fol classes to tol classes which have nothing to do with their mechanics is not doing fol any favor tbh

Fool is very much just an adjusted wincon, while playing a similar role at a macro level (creates chaos / unreliability)

Alch is case where you are correct, albeit it takes heavy inspiration from joat Alch in the past

I’d be fine renaming things

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I have basically no opinions on names beyond ‘should at least potentially vaguely fit thematically’ (so, like, not ‘computer programmer’)

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ąnd Archer shouldn’t convert to Crossbow

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Wish granted
It will now convert to Glock