FoL Feedback Thread

balancing mechanism

the issue is that youā€™d have to completely rework the evil factions to be able to make up for the loss in killpower
the better idea is to just
make neutral killer able to win
i know, itā€™s such a terrible thought how could anyone ever imagine it

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This is confusing to me so it probably is to other people as well
This means
See two of the following: Any evil neutral that isnā€™t the fool, the Neutral Killer or groupscum killed or hung

best idea is just make a sfol where you can submit all of your guys balance changes and test em, show that not everything is good and we are trying our best

isnā€™t that just EFoL community edition


Except you remove an entire threat toward Town and Unseen/Cult, thatā€™s the issue with removing an NK. Having the game full BD vs Unseen/Cult with a small amount of Neutrals is just bad.

Also, that brings me onto another point. Paladin and Sheriff hasnā€™t been changed in, oh, let me check, October 11th 2018

No trust me, I know you do, in all the FoLs Iā€™ve hosted Iā€™ve used WotM so many times without even wanting to. Itā€™s probably why all my setups have every role unique lmao.

Iā€™ll look at this in a sec

And no, this isnā€™t an estimate, I have this jotted down.

Why do both these classes exist? Why havenā€™t they been changed to be updated to the new FoL classes and the new changes in FoL? Why havenā€™t they been changed in almost 2 years, they arenā€™t even perfect or good classes.

so? do they need to change. And if they do they prob should just become one

Iā€™ll probably host it as an SFoL after I make neutral classes for Aliceā€™s new classes and figure out what convert prevention needs nerfing.

even with an extra third starting member, cultseen would have to do amazingly to defeat the blue dragon in a game with no NK

Exactly my post below.

Glad we agree :point_right::sunglasses::point_right:

like sure go ahead, its just atm we at the FOL Balance team hear ur thoughts, and we are considering them, but again even we dont know whats next

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I understand itā€™s impossible to balance a setup we acknowledge is completely unbalanced and swingy but we try to balance anyway.
I think one of the biggest problem right now in FoL is that conversions are incredibly swingy on whether or not they succeed

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We are thinking what we can change next, but are stumped as the core itself is flawed in many ways. And whats the best things to fix it as a whole. Like thereā€™s no right answer as a lot of the problems stem from things and changing those things changes fool. So yes we are working at what we want to do next, what it is, we dont know

this is the part where i whisper ā€œbuff neutral killerā€ into your ear

making it a two time pity system instead of three was thrown around. SO confirmed convert by n2

I feel like the only thing that should ever prevent a mastermind converting is converting Prince, converting a visit-prevented target or converting the neutral killer.
I want to see how this works in practice.

and we say SWING

that is bullshit
buffing neutral killer wonā€™t add any swing whatsoever if you arenā€™t doubling their KPN or something