FoL Feedback Thread

and the knight would live through it
setup design is even more my passion

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ToL is balanced :tm:

Fool may need a slight nerf

But like
I donā€™t think there are any necessary changes to be made with the rest of the neuts


what kind of nerf

i feel like fol29 was a bit of an outlier because it tampered with three results in one night

mainly with the ā€˜being able to frame after a self tailored flipā€™
and that being :eyes:

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i assume youā€™re thinking along the lines of ā€œone or the otherā€?


why is Fool even able to alter its own flip

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probably because the original fool was a jester

Because Solic would murder me if I didnā€™t do that

Alongside the obvious:

ā€œThis thing is all about distracting people from the evils. A part of that would be fakeflipping as something and spewing bullshit to get more villagers executedā€

Itā€™s obviously so you can flip yourself as King to troll everyone

flip yourself as prince
get blacklisted
game ends


Flip yourself as Constable

ā€œBongcloud Attack Chloe, is Unseen on the second nightā€

The Fool :shield: :fire:

Neutral Social
Insanity (Passive) - Immune to death from non-BD attacks once. If more than 2 other non-BD are executed during the day, you will suicide the next night. You will see the true nature of any tampered executions.
Final Prank (Passive) - You may use Deceive 2 times after the day you get executed, but only if you do not tamper your own flip.
Mask of Many Faces (Day) If you are executed today, you will flip as the class of your choice. - 2 uses.
Eavesdrop (Day) - Check the alignment of the target player. You will receive the result at the start of the night. (1 use)
Deceive (Night) - Choose a class and whom target player visits and is visited by. Investigators visiting target player will receive results corresponding with your choices. Resolves after frames/tailors. Can target self. - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to be executed for treason.

fixed fool


Fool + Scorned: Time for a pro gamer move

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this is why gamethrowing blacklists are typically issued after the game

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thats too smart

Plot twist:

The Prince flip got the real Prince to jail and execute himself