FoL Feedback Thread

geyde are you having a midlife crisis at the age of 18


but yeah

conversion based setups arent fun

its like

jester based setups tier of

ā€œthis shouldnt existā€

so Centuries, what Iā€™m hearing is


this is the worst thing in existence


I voted ā€œcancel FoLā€ but I donā€™t think itā€™s a good idea to do so

You canā€™t cancel it because thatā€™s how people get into FoL
You canā€™t make significant structural changes to it because thatā€™s how people get into FoL
You canā€™t fix the setup because itā€™s FoL

You canā€™t enjoy the setup because itā€™s FoL

FoL, and by extension ToL, is hot garbage that shouldnā€™t see the light of day

You guys never ran a fol game where every role is basically

1 shot comparative cop
1 shot vigilante
1shot heal/roleblock/guilt vig joat


I feel like all you guys do is add stuff

Why not remove :^)

Letā€™s not do that

what if we made FoL follow the same level of queueing as everything else, rather than letting FoLs semi-skip the queue

(obviously minus the part where they get reviewed for balanced-ness, just in the sense of making sure that they wait their turn in line)


But that creates problems because you are aLtErInG tHe SpIrIt Of ThE sEtUp

instead of hosting Mad17 lets host a 17p GI game using only classes 982 to 999 in the GI thread

Arete is this ā€œpresence of FoLā€ question one you really wanna ask those of us who have been around from the start

Itā€™s an insult
Because that idea is proposing Mad17

And Iā€™m fucking sick of this setup

we can just say fuck the spirit, especially now

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Hot take

Revert to SFoL18

Remove NK

Start again from there

What even is the point of neutrals :^)

Town is supposed to play around conversions not funny neut that takes game hostage