FoL Feedback Thread

Baron King or Riot.


Iā€™ll post my thoughts when Iā€™m not on a phone

Side note
Were kings just not changed or are they not listed

Or am I blind

King elections d2
And this is me not having everything done and being lazy

Itā€™s the striboi

Suggestion to rework the King election and just make a random handful of players electable for the starting King.

I tried something like this in SFoL53 and it just ended up with people automatically electing easily meta-cleared players like Italy or Surge for King.

bad changes tbh

I wouldnā€™t elect surge

I think of RM where thereā€™s a bit of gray area and scum can do mech bullshit
unlike in sfol 63 it happens d2 so the ā€˜clearā€™ player may just have been converted

Archer is still so much weaker than the Major.

I consider that they balance each other out by major being more conditional because it requires not only BD execution, but restricts shot targets to people on the slot
It has prince backup to compensate

also I wonā€™t hate playing this prince

Major can literally choose to attack the King.

Thatā€™s the thing.

Also, is this needed?

because you donā€™t get exe until d2 and itā€™s more intuitive that way

And king is elected on d2

but it doesnā€™t need it since you can only exe D2.

Meaning of course you can only use it N2.

But the point of King was to never be targetable by BD Killers.

Okay but youā€™re shooting someone you previously trusted enough to elect