FoL Feedback Thread

the fool stole them all

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Because the gods of balance took away the other ones

" Dream Shield (Night) - Give a player death immunity tonight. If you die, they will die as well. Cannot target the same player on consecutive nights. - Infinite Uses"

Does this also kill people who would originally have death immunity?
i.e MM?

Knight seems
so weak

It seems like it would just work like a normal attack.

But Dream Shield gives the target death immunity?
So it canā€™t act like a normal attack bc it would just be blocked by the given death immunity? Unless it strips the death immunity when youā€™re attacked, in which case, it isnā€™t explicitly stated.


Fair enough

Also the wording on exhume is a bit iffy.

I assumed it told you if specifically if a member of the Cult or a member of the Unseen killed the target, but apparently notā€¦

Also if Exhume was used on a person who was killed by a Sellsword that was converted into the Cultseen, would it show up as ā€œKilled by the Unseen or Cultā€ or ā€œNot killed by the Unseen or Cultā€

Iā€™d assume it works like a Babysitter, in which it doesnā€™t protect against its own attack

So if the target is healed they survive? (if external factors such as already existing DI can save you)

Iā€™d imagine so?

I agree tho it is poorly worded

im pretty sure the way this works is that it actually does bypass DI

will try to get a concrete answer and edit the classcard accordingly

reject trying to stay hidden as Mystic
return to dream shielding the MM, openclaiming and getting yourself killed

Claim Prince as Mystic


this feels over convoluted but also based

MM is only 1 shot DI now fwiw

it does not, will reword the classcard


Dream Shield (Night) - Give a player death immunity tonight. If you die, they will die as well. Cannot target the same player on consecutive nights. - Infinite Uses


Dream Shield (Night) - Give a player death immunity tonight. If you die, you will attack them instead. Cannot target the same player on consecutive nights. - Infinite Uses


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Also Enforcerā€™s kick in the ribs ability still doesnā€™t say roleblock

its a really strong kick


Kick in the Ribs (Night) - Make a player unable to act the following two nights. - 1 Use


Kick in the Ribs (Night) - Roleblock a player for the following two nights. - 1 Use
